1 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

I finished doing all the house cleaning yesterday. Also dumped holding tanks and left with a full tank of fresh water. We were up early (5:00am Arizona time), the time that Patches wants to get up every day. Did our walk and then got on the road.
Stopped in Lordsburg to fill Desperado with gas. Then at The Ranch House restaurant in Duncan, AZ I was hoping that I could have a sitdown breakfast and got one. There were 7 or 8 local farmers/ranchers all sitting at one long table and then one guy by himself at the far end of the room. No one was masked but I sat about 12-15' from anyone. Got their spinach and mushroom omelet with no cheese, hash browns, large flour tortilla and coffee at a good price so added a bigger tip.
From there I continued north but did a short detour to Buckhorn, NM to check on a RV park there. Thought it might be someplace for me to stay in May 2021. From there it was just a drive that totaled 246 miles on this route: NM80, NM145, NM338, I-10 (9 miles), Motel Dr, US70, AZ75, AZ78, NM78, US180, US191 & US60. NOTE: AZ78 is not recommended for Class 'A' RVs or big 5th Wheels. Steep switchbacks with hairpin turns. Great views but you have to take it slow.

Arrived here at about 12:30 with the temperature at 73° and a gentle breeze. Also has partial clouds so we get cloud shade from time to time as well. This is so much better than what I have had for the past week.
I have a lot of running around to do in town tomorrow. That will give the Park host additional time to get my space graveled. I'm in a temporary space overnight while he works on it today and tomorrow morning if he needs to.
Fireforce is the compelling, brutal account of Chris Cocks' service in 3 Commando, the Rhodesian Light Infantry, during Zimbabwe's bitter civil war of the 1970s—conflict that came to be known simply as "the bush war." The book's title refers to a tactic of total airborne envelopment developed and perfected by the RLI, together with the Selous Scouts and the Rhodesian Air Force, that became the principal strike weapon of the beleaguered Rhodesian forces in their struggle against the overwhelming tide of the Communist-trained and -equipped ZANLA and ZIPRA guerrillas. This book is not for the squeamish. It blends the intrinsic pathos and humor peculiar to war with face-to-face combat in the bush and death at point-blank range. Now, here is your chance to read what several critics have called the best book on the Rhodesian War ever written.
2 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

This morning we were doing our walk in a very pleasant 54.7° with my flannel long sleeve shirt on again after not wearing it for about 6 weeks. The afternoon high yesterday was 81.9 with a lot of cloud shade. The forecast is for more of the same today.
I wanted to have my usual tamale plate breakfast at the Trailrider restaurant in Eagar but they were closed. Not because of Coronavirus® but were doing remodeling and might have decided that if they were closed they might as well take the opportunity. So I went to Safire, the third restaurant in the area, for the first time. Indoor seating with 5 people lined up at the counter with no masks. I took a seat about 15' away by the front windows. The waitress was masked but pulled it down when I told here I could not understand what she was saying.
Modified one of their menu items by holding the cheese. So it was scrambled eggs with onion and mushrooms, hash browns, tortilla and coffee at a better price than Sierra Vista. From there I went to the barber shop and waited for 20 minutes until he opened. I was the only customer waiting and no one came in while I was there.
Next was a stop at my dentist office to confirm that I was going to be there for my appointment. They do a screening before they will let you into their building. This morning I talked to the receptionist when she came to the door.
Grocery stopped at Safeway where there are directional aisles, staff mostly were wearing masks, cough guards in place at the checkout but more than half of the customers were not masked. I had forgot my way around this store so the grocery gathering took a little longer than it will a few weeks from now.
Went to Western Drug expecting them to order a Ruger 9mm carbine for me but within 45 minutes I walked out of the store with one. Part of that time was waiting for a woman to get all her fishing gear purchases rung up. No problems with the paperwork to buy the rifle. Perhaps it was my having a Concealed Carry Permit that made it easier. The shop in Yuma 3-4 years ago took forever and had me jumping through multiple hoops.
Last stop on the way back to the Park was at the Round Valley Animal Rescue Thrift Store. There I dropped off some 'stuff' that I have been carrying around for years and not using and certainly didn't need. Then into my space here that will be home during the summer months.
3 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

Yesterday afternoon we just did complete our walk before getting wet. We had a few big drops hit us but then gave us a pass but soon after we got back to Desperado it started raining a total of 0.19". Not a lot but enough to get us very wet.
Cochise County is now reporting 90 confirmed cases of Coronavirus® and three deaths. That latest testing blitz was very successful in finding more cases. It goes without saying but I'll say it again; the more tests that are performed the more confirmed cases there will be. You can not confirm unless you test. There has also been at least one confirmed case now in the Zip Code where I am now camped. There will most likely be more soon.
I wrote this on 2 August 1919.
"For how long will I be able to do so with the Aldiko app that I have installed is hard to tell. Adobe could pull the plug on authorizing any device using that app whenever they have a mind to. I don't think Adobe has any desire to improve Adobe Digital Editions but that could be the only choice to read borrowed books that are DRM protected. I think Adobe makes their money by selling the protection to book sellers."
I think that Adobe has pulled the plug. I have been trying to get a DRM ePub book from archives.org to download and open in Aldiko for 2-3 days and could not. Then tried to get it to open in Adobe Digital Editions on my Chromebook and failed there as well. You can install ADE on a Chromebook but it will not open DRM protected books and Adobe does not have any plans to change that.
I finally found that the OverDrive app can be installed on Kindle Fire and it will open DRM ePub books. So that is what I am now using to read my latest historical novel that was borrowed from archives.org. It is not as good as ReadEra but is much better than reading online. My biggest complaint is there does not appear to be any way to navigate to a specific page unless you have been there and set a bookmark.
4 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

We had a repeat in the afternoon yesterday but not as much rain. The weather station that I am using did not report any at all. The station is only a few miles away but the afternoon showers are very localized so it could rain hard on one side of the street and remain dry on the other side.
I have nothing on my agenda for today. Simply enjoy the great weather; I have not had my A/C on yet since I have been here. Maybe do some cooking before the day is over. I have beans for a few more days but need another pot of potage.
A great meme, no known attribution.
"Greta invited the Chinese to give up using chopsticks to save trees! The Chinese have called on her and her friends to go back to school, where they will learn that chopsticks are made from bamboo—bamboo is grass. The Chinese invited Greta and her friends not to wipe their butt with toilet paper, because it's made from trees!"
George W. also had to do some virtue signaling . As Caitlin says "..and their wonderful words of healing and unity, and indeed, the words are quite nice. They will change exactly nothing, but they sound nice". What a crock! Two presidents that were in office for 16 years and did nothing to fix the problem that they are now trying to claim is all president Trump's fault.
The former president [Obama] talked about changes that need to be made as though he wasn’t the most powerful politician in America for two full terms, praised the nation’s police officers saying “the vast majority” of them protect and serve the people, and encouraged them to continue making empty gestures of solidarity with the protesters to calm them down.This is a good article about the riots as well. Note: Peter Grant also served with the Rhodesian Light Infantry along with Chris Cock.
“I want to acknowledge the folks in law enforcement that share the goals of re-imagining policing,” Obama said. “Because there are folks out there who took their oath to serve your communities to your countries [who] have a tough job, and I know you’re just as outraged about the tragedies in the recent weeks as are many of the protesters. So we’re grateful for the vast majority of you who protect and serve. I’ve been heartened to see those in law enforcement who recognize, ‘Let me march along with these protestors. Let me stand side by side and recognize that I want to be part of the solution,’ and have shown restraint and volunteered and engaged and listened because you’re a vital part of the conversation, and change is going to require everyone’s participation.”—The Establishment Only Dislikes Trump Because He Puts An Ugly Face On The Empire, Caitlin Johnstone
The clearly intended, pre-planned nature of the riots is itself a give-away. Sure, the tragic death of George Floyd was the spark that lit the fire. That could not have been planned, but the plans to take advantage of any such incident were laid long ago, and preparations were made. You don't think the riots were prepared in advance? You're deluded, to put it mildly.
Riots in scores of cities, breaking out simultaneously? Pallets of bricks distributed in advance, and rioters advised of their location through megaphones? Activists handing out Molotov cocktails and improvised explosives? Identical signs printed, T-shirts worn, and slogans chanted across thousands of miles? Solemn, almost universal left-wing proclamations of white American guilt, black American innocence, and the need for "healing", "reconciliation" and "justice for all" - all while allowing the injustice of brutal, thuggish, indiscriminate riots to continue, to intimidate the electorate?
Need I go on? The evidence is overwhelming. This response was pre-planned, awaiting only the right incident to activate it. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying through their teeth, and takes you for a fool.
—The plot behind the riots is now clear, Peter Grant
5 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: June 5, 1932
It has been a long time since I tried to take a screenshot with Kindle Fire. It is possible but I sure don't find it easy. I wanted a quote from the DRM protected ePub book in OverDrive and the only way I could find to do it was using a screenshot and then using an OCR text from an image converter. There has to be an easier way but I have not found it.
I have read this somewhere before, I don't know if it was a quote from this book or not but it is so true. The only argument might be how long will it take.
I learned then, beyond question, that if all the property in the world were distributed, and an equal share given to everyone, the bulk of mankind would soon be destitute, and a few would have everything."—Oliver Wiswell, Kenneth RobertsThis quote is from a good article by an author that I have not read before.
In the midst of the confusion, many Americans are coming to realize that–particularly in big, progressive-controlled cities–moral and law-abiding citizens no longer have any reason to persist. This is the thrust of Christian author Rod Dreher’s recent book The Benedict Option, about Christians’ withdrawal from modern society in favor of cloistered alternatives. Politicians have no interest in protecting or encouraging urban middle-class citizens, only dancing a jig to the social justice tune played by underclass minority demagogues and wealthy liberals. Law enforcement’s hands are tied from keeping order, lest even a single racism unfold and provoke Armageddon. Citizens are certainly not allowed to protect themselves, their homes, their communities, or their businesses. That would be vigilantism, and the police are uncharacteristically enthusiastic about squashing anyone who stands up to casual lawlessness and intimidation.—Lao Tzu Leaves For the Mountains: Absurdity Rules L.A. Riots 2.0, and It’s Just the Beginning, Clint FargeauI have selected only one small part of a long posting that is recommended. Conspiracy or Coincidence is the theme, read the article that is linked within the quote as well. All good.
In any case, even if American society continues to sink past the point of no return, I would also not be surprised if any future vaccinations would be voluntary instead of mandatory. Because if the deluded Luciferians (see "Luciferianism: A Secular Look At A Destructive Globalist Belief System") are actually playing a cosmic chess match in their heads, then they want people to choose – and those who refuse to fall with them would, as a result, suffer societal ostracization, economic isolation, starvation, and death. The Vaccine-Deniers® would then occupy the lowest caste of the New World Order®. They would be the new Untouchables.
Certainly, therefore, the George Floyd riots are just another means of now sowing seeds of chaos to reap an orderly harvest later. The Cult must tear down what it wishes to rebuild in its own image.—Coincidence Theorists See All Donut and No Holes in the Coronation of The Cult, Doug “Uncola” Lynn
6 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

Yesterday we cut our afternoon walk short after getting slightly wet. As it turned out we could have continued and not got any wetter, it quit raining. Started again in the early hour of this morning but seemed to have quit by the time we were ready to go out. It looked like it could start again at any moment so we did a little shorter morning walk—the same as our usual afternoon walks. Strong winds that made it feel almost cold with just my flannel shirt and no jacket.
Wasted a lot of time, and data, trying to install OverDrive on my Chromebook. I now have a book on Loan at archive.org that I can not open and can not remove from Loans. This ebook reading is great but at times it can be a real pain in the ass. Installed Aldiko Classic on the Chromebook and have been able to open the book on loan using it. I don't much like the formatting but it is not too bad and the book is readable.
Reading is probably all I'll be doing today. The wind has become even stronger with the forecast: "SSW winds at 35 to 50 mph, decreasing to 25 to 35 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 60 mph". So far we have had gusts of only 38mph so I have something to look forward to—HA.
7 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

Wdid a longer walk yesterday afternoon, what we would have usually done in the morning, with winds. They were not as strong as what we had during the morning hours which were in the 30-40mph range with gusts of 45 mph. More wind today and tomorrow but not as strong if the forecast is correct. Probably will be, the weather guesser can forecast the wind much better than rain.
President Trump has directed the Department of Defense to withdraw 9,500 troops from Germany and has met the same response as all his other directions for troop withdrawal. WWII is over why is the U. S. still occupying Germany?
An overwhelming share of Americans (85%) see U.S. military bases in Germany as important for U.S. national security, but fewer Germans (52%) see these bases as important for their own national security.Interesting!
The United States currently operates several military bases in Germany, with approximately 35,000 active-duty American troops, a legacy of World War II and the continued NATO presence in Europe.
More than half of Americans (56%) see these bases as very important to U.S. national security, and only 13% of Americans claim these bases are not important.
Among Germans, 52% say these American troops are vital for German national security, although only 15% claim they are very important. And 45% of Germans say the bases are not important, including 15% who say they are not at all important. Source
...let's take a look at the political situation in Minneapolis;I agree with this strategy to stop the violent protest and looting but know that President Trump will not do it.
— Democrat Governor
— Democrat Attorney General
— Democrat County Executive
— Democrat County Prosecutor
— Democrat Mayor
— 2 Democrat US Senators
— Democrat US Representative
— Democrat State Senator
— Democrat State Representative
— 100% Democrat City Council
— Democrat Police Chief
Yet the media places 100% of the blame for George Floyd's death and the collapse of public order in Minneapolis on Donald Trump.
Trump also gets the blame for the rioting and violence in NYC, Chicago, Portland and Los Angeles — despite a similar political situation; everyone with any political power or influence for miles at every division of government is a Democrat.
And it's not because it's Donald Trump, it's because he's the "nearest Republican" with any form of authority over the city, county or state.—"Blame The Nearest Republican", Martin Knight
If Trump were to declare that he will automatically pardon absolutely anyone who used lethal force to defend themselves, their homes or their businesses from rioters then the “Revolution” is over.I do not like poetry very much but have enjoyed some written by Rudyard Kipling. This quote led me to a good one; I hope you follow the link and enjoy it also.
—Trump Can Save Rioting America by Doing Nothing, Tim Kirby
The old truism that "actions speak louder than words" remains as valid today as it ever was.
Rudyard Kipling wrote a long poem about that sort of thing. It speaks volumes to our society today, where faith is honored far more in the breach than in the observance, but those breaching it will still argue hotly that they belong to this, or that, or the other faith, because they say they do. The reality is, their actions (or, sometimes, the lack thereof) demonstrate clearly that they have no faith at all. Here's "Tomlinson", from 1892.
—Saturday Snippet: what you believe is what you do, not what you say, Peter Grant
8 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

This morning we did our walk soon after the low of 53.6° when it was warming up to 54 or 55. The wind was blowing but not as hard as yesterday and with just my flannel shirt it was almost cold.
Went to Booga Red's where I got their Veggie omelet without cheese, hash browns, tortilla and coffee. That is probably what I'll have everytime I stop there although I do miss getting their Booga Red's Special.
Next stop was the laundromat where I got the wash cycle started and then started writing this post. It is a shorter walk from Desperado to the laundromat than from my Park space to the two washers that they now have in the Park. Here I had all the machines available to me whereas in the Park there is a good chance they would be in use.
Last stop was at Safeway where I picked up only a few items. I short list this week.
I posted a review of Camp of the Saints on 31 January 2018. The story in the book is not only playing out in Europe but has now started to play here in the good 'ol USofA.
The Saker* thinks that there is no going back from George Floyd. Blacks have gotten away with massive looting. Antifa is not being held accountable for massive violence and property damage. The Democrat and media establishments are using the events against President Trump and all other public officials who tried to protect private property. Leftists have gone beyond justifying violence to glorifying in it.*I have quoted one paragraph from the article that Mr. Roberts references. It is worth reading.
The Camp of the Saints is playing out before our eyes. We are living the novel. It is impermissible to put down violent protests of "stigmatized and marginalized" black Americans.—Ideas Have Consequences, Paul Craig Roberts
Irrespective of whether either faction will succeed in instrumentalizing the riots, what we are seeing today is a systemic collapse of the US society. That is not to say that the USA will disappear, not at all. But just like it took the Soviet Union a decade or more to fully collapse (roughly from 1983-1993), it will take the US many years to fully crash. And just like a New Russia eventually began taking form in 1999, there will be a New USA coming out of the current collapse. Total and final collapses are very rare, mostly they just initiate a lengthy and potentially very dangerous transformation process, the outcome of which is almost impossible to predict.—The systemic collapse of the US society has begun, The Saker
9 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

There has been a lot of smoke along the western horizon for the past 3-4 days. Yesterday morning because the wind had changed we had a lot of smoke in the valley here. There are 2-3 fires burning south and east of Show Low that will probably get bigger because of the winds we have been having. More smoke until the monsoons come is my guess.
The first thing I did yesterday after getting back to my space in the Park was to dump holding tanks and add water. Well maybe not the first thing. I first had to get the camp host to come with a wrench and get the sewer cap off. Why people must screw the cap down all the way and as tight as they can get it is a mystery to me.
The camp hosts have added me to their PO box and I had part of my Amazon order delivered on Saturday. The PO receives deliveries but the counter is not open for pick ups then. The host went into town and got it for me yesterday morning. This was a UTG Leapers SCP-RDM39SDQ Inc, Reflex Sight, 3.9" Red/Green, Single Dot Reticle for my Ruger carbine. I mounted it but will take it back off until I can get to a range to zero it.
Last year I would go to McD's every 5 days and get a latte. Would go inside and get a chair so I could sit outside. When I drove past since arriving this year it did not look like they allowed anyone inside. Therefore, last week I went to Safire and got a coffee to go and sat outside in their 'patio' area with Patches. The coffee was not a latte and was not very good.
Yesterday I bought a carton of Silk Creamer, a non-dairy creamer made from soy. Took a small spice jar about half full with me this morning and added it to their not so good coffee and it compares very favorably to McD's latte. At a much cheaper price as well.
The character speaking in the book Oliver Wiswell during the 1770s could just as well be someone speaking today. Yes, the more things change, the more they remain the same.
When such madnesses sweep over the world, nations lose their judgment. They put boobies in the highest places. They forget everything men have learned by experiment and experience. Nations as well as individuals know that the way to save is to save; but in times of mass madness, you hear them insisting that the way to save is to spend. It's so in England, in France! Thousands of seemingly intelligent people fanatically take up the cudgels for this great new doctrine. The way to save is to spend! The way to be at peace is to make war! The way to create is to destroy! The way to swim is to sink!—Oliver Wiswell, Kenneth Lewis Roberts
10 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

The low yesterday morning was 33° with a high for the day of 69.5. I expected the low to be below freezing based on the weather guessers forecast and dressed for it. Had on my wool shirt jacket, gloves and ear warmer headband and walked in a 34° temperature. Then on the way back after getting a coffee at Safire, about 30 minutes later, I was overdressed.
This morning was warmer with the low at 36.2 and the forecast high is expected to be 82. I wore my shirt jacket but no gloves and no ear warmer—my ears got cold. The rest of the 10 day forecast is for highs in the lower 80s and the lows in the mid 50s. Very nice!
I have modified this meme slightly: "The government has announced that because of Covid, you need to riot at home and destroy your own stuff." Get your riot at home bricks from Amazon - two day delivery.
Caitlin has posted another very good article, I have quoted the beginning.
ESTRAGON: Well, shall we go?I have not quoted any part of Antifa and Black Lives Matter: The Return of the Spanish Inquisition (Which No One Expects) by Clint Fargeau just offering up the link. It is a good article.
VLADIMIR: Yes, let’s go.
[They do not move.]
So ends both acts of the Samuel Beckett play Waiting for Godot. One of the two main characters suggests leaving, the other agrees, followed by the stage direction that both remain motionless until - curtain.
This is also the entire role of the Democratic Party. To enthusiastically agree with American support for movements calling for real changes which benefit ordinary people, while making no actual moves to provide such changes. The actors read the lines, but remain motionless.
Barack Obama made a whole political career out of this. People elected him because he promised hope and change, then for eight years whenever hopeful people demanded changes he’d say “Yes, we all need to get together and have a conversation about that”, express sympathy and give a moving speech, and then nothing would happen. The actors remain motionless, and Godot never comes.—The Democratic Party Exists To Co-Opt And Kill Authentic Change Movements, Cailtin Johnstone
The world turned upside down has to be the answer to the dichotomy presented in this article.
Have you been watching the madness that has been unfolding on Wall Street? Even though we are in the middle of the worst global pandemic in 100 years, and even though rioters and looters have been turning our major cities into war zones, stock prices have been going up day after day. In fact, the Nasdaq closed at an all-time record high on Monday...It has been absolutely disgusting to watch, and if Adam Smith could see what was happening he would be rolling over in his grave. Unfortunately, thanks to our rapidly declining system of education most Americans don’t even know who Adam Smith is anymore.
I can’t recall another time in modern U.S. history when stock prices skyrocketed as the U.S. economy plunged into a recession. What we have been witnessing has truly been extremely bizarre, and it will be fascinating to see how long it can last.—As The Stock Market Soars, The Numbers Say That The Real Economy Is In The Midst Of A Historic Crash, Michael Snyder
11 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

The low this morning was 44.2° but it was 50 by the time we finished our walk and the windbreaker jacket was not needed. I'll be back to doing the morning walks wearing just my flannel shirts. Maybe not next Monday and Tuesday when there is a rain forecast for those mornings.
I went for my dental cleaning appointment this morning which went well. Then stopped at Safire restaurant for breakfast on the way back to the Park. They do not offer a veggie on the menu but made a good one for me with no cheese, cubed home fries, a tortilla and coffee. That will probably be my order there every time for breakfast.
I was expecting a delivery today from FedEx but the package was delivered to the PO box address and the Park host brought it to me yesterday. I never know when a package is going to arrive or what carrier is going to deliver it when I place an Amazon order even when they give me a tracking link.
I have been reading a DRM protected book in my Chromebook using Aldiko Classic which I do not find to be as good as the Aldiko that was on my Kindle Fire. I had removed Aldiko for the Fire since I could not get an Adobe Digital Editions (DRM protected) book to open there. Yesterday I installed Aldiko Classic on Fire and was able to open the same book that I have been reading in Chromebook. So maybe I have an ereader in Fire that once again will read DRM protected books. These ereaders are a bit much for this 'ol geezer.
12 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: June 12, 1932
There was very heavy smoke in the valley yesterday afternoon. Almost all the mountains were obscured except for those only a few miles away to the south and southeast. A strong wind that started in the early hours this morning has cleared the valley so far today.
I have the distiller back in operation. I'll be distilling five gallons of water during the next couple of days. Those five gallons will last about 10 days if the last batch was any indication of my usage.
I am also going to cook up another pot of canned beans with diced tomatoes and powdered cayenne. That will be about half of my 'linners' for the next couple of weeks. Need to pick up the ingredients for some more potage during my next grocery gathering. That will be the second half of the 'linners'.
I have quoted the closing to another good article by Mr. Roberts. A suggested read.
Trump is not Establishment, but his government is. Trump is a President surrounded by his enemies. Trump attempted to be a president of the people, but the Establishment will not permit it. Trump will be the last president who attempts to represent the American people. All future presidents will have learned the lesson in advance. An American president serves the ruling elite and no one else. The elite have worked long and hard to acquire a divided population that cannot unite against them. They have succeeded.—Education Is Offensive and Racist and so is America, Paul Craig Roberts
13 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

The wind started blowing hard in the early morning hours and was still blowing when we did our walk. The low was 63.5° so it was cool and a good walking temperature. The high yesterday was 84.6 which was not too hot but I hope the forecast that today will be cooler happens.
Not much planned for today. I got all the distilling done now to clean the boiler and will be ready to do it again in about 10 days.
I'm sure the Minneapolis, Minnesota City Council and the Mayor have a plan but I have not read what they are going to do. They have voted to eliminate the City Police Department which is great virtue signaling. However, who is going to enforce the very strict anti-gun ordinances that they have passed? There are a LOT of other laws and ordinances that require enforcement as well, who is going to do that?
Another great meme. "I can't believe that it's riot season already, I still have my Covid-19 decorations up."
No book since The Grapes of Wrath has been given three stars by this reporter. If a fourth star could be given, I think it might go to Kenneth Roberts' new book. A superb love story -- an extraordinary piece of characterization -- and a unique background, handled with Roberts' masterful technique. The question is, are we grown up enough as a nation, to "take it"? For here is the first, so far as I know, full-bodied story of the American Revolution from the side of the Loyalists. There have been two excellent historical novels presenting the war as seen by soldiers from overseas; one of these, Sergeant Lamb's America by Robert Graves is coming November first. But here we see the story of a Civil War, when we have accustomed ourselves to think of the Colonies as putting up virtually a united front to England. We see in many parts of the country, a majority of the people, and everywhere a majority of the upper classes and the intelligentsia of their day, determined on finding a way out without bloodshed, and paying the price in being made victims of lawless mobs, incendiaries, pillagers, sadists of the worst type, thrust from their homes, tarred and feathered, tortured and often killed -- all because they demanded their right to independence of belief in the face of a new kind of tyranny. Oliver Wiswell was a Yale undergraduate, who came home on the eve of his father's victimization -- and who tells his story. The scene is Massachusetts; Boston provides shelter briefly; then the high seas and Halifax, if shelter it could be called under British ineptness and red tape and inelasticity and stupidity. This is no paean of praise for either side. He is extraordinarily objective, standing firm for an ideal, for a right, seeing the abysmal stupidity of both sides, but holding fast, fighting when need arose, for what the Loyalists believed in. The canvas is a big one. We follow the hero to England, to France, back to America. We see many of the war's battles from the other side. And we share with the Loyalists, the relief when it is over and they have found new chance for life and liberty among those of their own belief, in far-off New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. I could quote, endlessly, passages that give the book an incredible timeliness. But I'll leave it to you -- and you -- and you. Don't miss it. This is THE book of the year -- the book that gives us a symbol of the ideals which were forged in the crucible and came out a great nation. Roberts has told great stories; he has contributed as much as any and more than most, to our American background. This is his best book.— Source
14 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

Today was shopping day. There was a stop at Booga Red's first where I got a veggie omelet that was not on their menu but is readily available. Then a quick grocery gathering at Safeway where I was able to find something new to me.
Kombucha has health benefits that are similar to those of other fermented foods, like yogurt, kefir and raw (live) fermented pickles or sauerkraut. But it also contains polyphenols that are known to act as strong antioxidants in the body and decrease inflammation. It is this decreased inflammation that I am seeking.
For many kombucha newbies, whether they’ll become an aficionado or never swallow another mouthful is decided in mere seconds. Some violently recoil as if they’ve gulped straight white wine vinegar. Others sip and profess it’s a bliss-inducing elixir. I will soon know which class of newbie I am in.— Source
Coward, scoundrel, lover and cheat, but there is no better man to go into the jungle with. Join Flashman in his adventures as he survives fearful ordeals and outlandish perils across the four corners of the world.
Can a man be all bad? When Harry Flashman’s adventures as the reluctant secret agent in Afghanistan lead him to join the exclusive company of Lord Cardigan’s Hussars and play a part in the disastrous Retreat from Kabul, it culminates in the rascal’s finest – and most dishonest – turn.—Edited Wikipedia
Coronavirus® has become old news now that deaths appears to be waning. The only mainstream narrative about it is that we must remain locked down for our 'safety' and that the second wave is going to be even worse.
I'd be willing to bet that if Biden, or his replacement, is elected president that the Coronavirus® narrative will completely disappear. If Trump is re-elected it will become headline news once again.
Daily US COVID deaths have fallen by two thirds in the past six weeks. We are beating the virus!There is another alt-news blog posting that tells much the same story.
But notice how there are no celebratory headlines, no national or local discussions, no breathless reporting, no wall-to-wall coverage.—Good News of the Day, Clarissa
The NY Times data has the slowest run-up and slowest run-down of deaths, indicating that the epidemic is running strong. Death Certificate Tracking, on the other hand, has the fastest run-up, highest peak, and fastest run-down, indicating that the epidemic is all but over.—Tracking Coronavirus Fatalities by Tracking Death Certificates, 06/13 Update, Mugtome Gusts
15 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

The Kombucha that I selected was Health-Ade in a Pomegranate flavor. No special reason for trying that flavor but it was a good choice. Why anyone would NOT like this is beyond me, it is a very refreshing drink that tastes good. I have no idea if it is actually good for me but it taste better than green tea although it does have some green tea listed in the ingredients.
My 'vellies' will be arriving in the United States from South Africa this week and then will be mailed to me. With any luck I might receive them before month end.
You think supply chains were disrupted because of Coronavirus®, you haven't seen nothing yet. Wait until some more of the Democrat cities defund or eliminate their police departments.
As cities across the country are discussing defunding or disbanding their police departments, truck drivers are voicing concerns of safety. Seventy-seven percent of truck drivers say they will refuse to deliver freight to cities with defunded police departments.—Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments, Summer SmithThe United States is undergoing its own Cultural Revolution in the guise of fighting Coronavirus® and protesting the death of George Floyd. The first things to change were the names of streets and destruction of statues.
'The Four Olds' or 'the Four Old Things' was a term used during the Cultural Revolution by the Red Guards in the People's Republic of China in reference to the pre-communist elements of Chinese culture they attempted to destroy. The Four Olds were: Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas. The campaign to destroy the Four Olds began in Beijing on August 19, 1966, shortly after the launch of the Cultural Revolution.—Edited Wikipedia
16 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

The Coronavirus® confirmed cases in Cochise County have gone up considerably since I last checked. They now have 226 cases but the Huachuca City Zip Code area where I was when the pandemic started is still reporting 1-5. Hidalgo County has also jumped up to 20 from the 1 when I left there but none of them are in the Rodeo Zip Code area. Here in the Springerville Zip Code area they are still reporting 1-5. So far so good!
I cooked up some potage yesterday. Used split yellow peas and spinach with bullion cubes. For 'linner' I reheated a serving of it over some pre cooked potatoes then put it on the plate with some parboiled beets. The beets cause beeturia which is harmless in fact if I'm not seeing red within 24 hours, then my body is taking too long to move waste through its digestive system.
A Public Service Announcement.
If rioters descend on your area, don't be a litterbug. Pick up your brass.
If Satan ever lost his hair, there would be hell toupee. "ba dum tsss"
In 1993, Peter Dreier was appointed by the Clinton administration to the advisory board of Resolution Trust Corporation. He also served as an advisor to President Obama. In January 1993, he became a professor at Occidental College where Obama had been a student from 1979 to 1981.
Still bolder aspects of Dreier’s strategic vision are laid out in his February 1979 Social Policy essay, "The Case for Transitional Reform." This piece, influential within organizing circles but virtually unknown outside, supplies a Marxist framework and a long-term strategy for community organizing. Here Dreier draws on French Marxist theorist Andre Gorz's notion of "transitional reforms," or "non-reformist reforms," to suggest a way of transforming American capitalism into socialism. The central idea, borrowed from Gorz, is to create government programs that only seem to be "reforms" of the capitalist system. Rightly understood, these supposed reforms are so incompatible with capitalism that they gradually precipitate the system's collapse...
So Dreier's plan is to gradually expand government spending until the country nears fiscal collapse. At that point, a public accustomed to its entitlements will presumably turn on its capitalist masters when they propose cutbacks to restore fiscal balance. Dreier fears that this intentionally wrought crisis might actually backfire and produce fascism instead of socialism. That is why he believes it's so important to have a left-wing grassroots movement already in place. Left-wing community organizers will turn the national fiscal crisis in a socialist direction. Dreier seems to think that some revolutionary violence may emerge at this point. Yet his stress is on conditions designed to achieve a gradual transition to socialism.—Radical-in-Chief (October 16, 2012), Stanley Kurtz
17 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

If you have been paying attention to the mainstream News you know that when the riots started you became safe from Coronavirus®. However, when the riots stop you must once again be afraid, very afraid, of Coronavirus®. The continuing need to be afraid of Coronavirus® will depend on who gets elect president in November. A 'second wave' before the election is almost a given.
The Latin term, Horror vacui, is commonly stated as "nature abhors a vacuum". Any gardener knows that if you leave a plot of ground open and unfilled, weeds or other plants will creep in to fill the void. What will fill the void when Democrat controlled cities defund/dismantle police departments. I suggest that we will see a return of Vigilance Committees like the one that sprang up in San Francisco, CA in 1851 and 1856 Link. Or the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee in London, England (1888) Link
I have quoted only one paragraph from this article by Matt Taibbi. He has been a long time 'liberal' writer for Rolling Stone but this article could have been written by a conservative. What is happening he seems to be moving away from the 'new liberals'?
The media in the last four years has devolved into a succession of moral manias. We are told the Most Important Thing Ever is happening for days or weeks at a time, until subjects are abruptly dropped and forgotten, but the tone of warlike emergency remains: from James Comey's firing, to the deification of Robert Mueller, to the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, to the democracy-imperiling threat to intelligence "whistleblowers," all those interminable months of Ukrainegate hearings (while Covid-19 advanced), to fury at the death wish of lockdown violators, to the sudden reversal on that same issue, etc.—The American Press Is Destroying Itself, Matt Taibbi
You're not alone in America, many of us support your heardhard work, and appreciate everything you do. Your leadership will bend their knee to the mob coming for you, and the political leaders in your city will stand on your back hoping that people ignore their mismanagement and likely corruption. America wants you to succeed in life, and this is why you must leave the Democrat city you serve, it's unfortunate because many of those people need your protection, and come November, hopefully they know how to remedy this mistake, but I wouldn't hold my breath.—If You're a Police Officer in a Democrat City, Get Out Before it's too Late!, Wrongthink Radio
18 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

I was almost underdressed while on our walk this morning. The forecast expected the low to be in the upper 40s and I was prepared for that but the 44° low was a bit cool. The next few days are going to be much the same with highs in the lower 80s. But starting Monday the highs will be in the lower 90s. Hotter but not as hot as it will be in Huachuca City, I'm glad to be here.
I need to get holding tanks dumped and water added this morning before the winds pick up. That will be about all I'll do except read one or more of the books I now have on my Kindle Fire. One of them is non-fiction which I'll read off and on while reading one of the two sci-fi books that I have downloaded. I have a Poe book on the Paperwhite that I have been trying to finish but what remains is all poetry and I struggle with that.
I have quoted a Tweet that is causing controversy on Twitter. I'm surprised that it has not been banned as hate speech.
The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing.
To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct.
A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it.
The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.
19 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: June 19, 1932
Tere is not much happening here. The only thing that has happened is I got a neighbor on my east side. He arrived very early yesterday morning, about 6:30. Got what looks to be a brand new 5th Wheel set up with his brand new Dodge 4x4 the drove off. Came back soon but then left again twice during the day. Perhaps he is a Coronavirus® refugee that bought the 5th Wheel to escape?
Making good progress on one of the sci-fi books on Kindle Fire. Also read some more on the non-fiction book. That was yesterday and I plan on repeating that today. Maybe get some beans soaking which I'll cook tomorrow after getting back from another shopping excursion.
This is the beginning and ending of an article that needs to be added to your reading list. It's good.
Where the Left goes, squalor follows.If there is a second nationwide lockdown because of the Coronavirus® "second wave" you can expect the United States economy to crater and the U.S. Empire will be a footnote in history.
The scene in militia-occupied Seattle is entirely familiar, the same kind of theatrical filth that has been a part of American counterculture from Woodstock through Occupy Wall Street. These are the idiot children of the American ruling class, toy radicals and Champagne Bolsheviks playing Jacobin for a while until they go back to graduate school. The actual poor, oppressed masses of the world may sometimes live in squalor, but they do not generally live in squalor by choice. For Caitlyn from Georgetown, playing poor is the woke version of playing cowboys and Indians, but playing cowboys and Indians would make you a Very Bad Person, even if, like Senator Elizabeth Warren, you chose to be an Indian
The squalor is a sideshow. More to the point, it is class camouflage...
And George Floyd is still dead. Jacob Frey is still mayor of Minneapolis. Medaria Arradondo is still the chief of police . . .—The Revolution Comforts the Comfortable , Kevin D. Williamson
A lot of people out there are going to keep hoping that there will be some sort of an economic rebound, but the cold, hard reality of the matter is that fear of COVID-19 is going to keep a large segment of the population from resuming normal economic activities for the foreseeable future. And it certainly doesn't help that the number of confirmed cases in the U.S. has been steadily rising over the past couple of weeks and that the mainstream media has been endlessly warning that a "second wave" is coming.—Americans Have Already Skipped Payments On More Than 100 Million Loans, And Job Losses Continue To Escalate, Michael Snyder
20 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

The shopping trip didn't take much time today. I had a short list for Safeway and two of the items on the list they did not have which made it even shorter. I then stopped at Ace Hardware where I had a 15 minute wait for them to open.
There I had to do some exploring to find what I wanted but was lucky to find the last two packages of electric butt connectors that I needed. I have put off swapping out the last 4 old 12 volt overhead light fixtures, it is now the time to do it.
I also picked up a sandpaper block, some spackle and a putty knife to do the pre-paint preparation in my bedroom. I asked the Park host if he would do some of the work in the bedroom. He talked like he knew what needed to be done but has expressed no more interest in doing it. I didn't really want to do the painting myself but I guess I will.
I started the trip with a stop at Safire where I got a veggie omelet. Asked for home fries and got hashbrowns but they were not too bad so no complaint.
Not much wind this morning. I could see a smoke cloud on the western side of the mountains looking toward Show Low. By the time I got back to the Park that smoke had come into the valley here and was getting worse as the day went by. I am reasonably sure that this is from the Bush Wildfire that is a big fire south of Payson that is going to produce a lot of smoke until the monsoon comes to put it out.
I found an article by an author that agrees with me. Do nothing and let the 'progressives' do their thing. The Russian realized that they made a mistake by granting the Communist power as have most of the other countries that adopted Communism. It is probably best to let the people in the United States have what they want — let them have it good and hard. Then move on but there will be no going back.
Believe it or not, getting to the final stop sooner rather than later might be a good thing. The Supreme Court's addiction to ruinous decisions, the flaccidity of Republican lawmakers in the face of scorched-earth Democrat aggression, President Trump’s seeming commitment to sitting on his hands–all these trends are infuriating for conservatives. But since the inevitable is in fact *inevitable*, moving up our country's date of failure may be the best thing for the American people in the end. Dysfunctional governments can limp along for a very, VERY long time and allow for a staggering amount of decadence as they slowly expire. Swift self–destruction by the left and collapse–followed by reconstitution of the country–may be the best for which we can hope...
Arguing with crazy people only wastes breath and makes YOU crazy. It's time for conservatives to turn their energies and intellect to what happens during and after the ship splinters. It's time to stock the lifeboats, chart our location, and determine the nearest dry land. After progressive liberalism runs its course and eats its own tail, after Americans are left without a center or any idea of where to turn, the United States will need people of virtue and vision to reconstitute communities and the nation.—On the Advisability of Arguing with Crazy People: Charting a Plan for Conservatives' Future, Clint Fargeau
21 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

I saw my neighbor this morning while on our walk. He was doing a run walk on US60 to the east just before we started going that direction as well. We waved as he was going back after turning around.
He was sitting outside when we got back to the Park and we had a short talk. His last full time job was at the mines near Green Valley, AZ but recently came from TX where I think he worked as a gate guard at the oil fields. Tomorrow he starts work here driving a Propane truck for the local propane dealer.
I got one of the light fixtures replaced yesterday in the center of the kitchen-livingroom. Today I'll be replacing the one that is at the doorway to the bathroom which provides light to the kitchen sink area. That is probably the one I use more than the one I replaced yesterday. Then there are two in the bathroom that I may get to tomorrow and/or the next day.
That is about all I have going on. More smoke in the valley so that has not changed. I'll be cooking more hulled barley and oat groats, that does not change. A new 'dish' for my 'linners' is also being prepared. This has been a two day preparation that I'll write about more when I get it done and try some of it - or maybe not.
Jeter's second novel, like his first, features an unlikely, self-consciously gloom-and-doomy near-future backdrop: a balkanized US of climate-controlled sectors where arctic snows abut broiling deserts; industrial production is controlled by the Pentagon, and various big corporations beam their slave workers' mindless videos (soap, sex, violence) to keep them docile. The latest hit video from Speed Death Productions is the biography of Ross Schuyler, "sprinter"; he runs bootleg microchips across a desert sector while dodging missiles launched by the Pentagon's orbiting satellites. Previously, Schuyler became involved with "Godfriend" Cynth, a member of a weird, all-female sect (they're all lesbian or celibate, believing that any child born to a Godfriend will be the Son of God--and they don't wish Him to be trapped in the ghastly, unbreakable prison that is Earth). However, Cynth and Schuyler became intimate; and, five years later, their son Lumen is worshipped by the Godfriends and the workers watching the video. Then Schuyler discovers that the video is a hideous swindle: Speed Death has engineered his entire career, including the appearance of Lumen, as a means to cement their grip on the hapless workers. There are problems aplenty: the opening is a horrible mess; Jeter's habit of rendering the video scenes as shooting scripts is a major irritant; and the ending is weak and contrived. Nevertheless, the plotting is robust and complex, the characters three-dimensional, and the drama mostly effective--little of which was apparent in the pointlessly nasty Dr. Adder (1984). Badly flawed, then, but thoughtful and often absorbing.
22 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

I finished replacing all the dual bulb lighting fixtures on the ceiling of Desperado yesterday. The process goes much faster when you don't blow fuses like I did when I replaced that first one. I spent more time trying to find out which fuse was blown than I did replacing the fixture.
Now to start preparing the bedroom walls for painting. It is hot in there during the afternoon so I'll be doing a little each day in the morning while it is still cool. I'll be starting today with no set time goal for when the painting will be completed.
I have not thought out a solution for the problem of what to do with the bedding and mattress. I don't want to wrestle that unmanageable bulk out of the bedroom and then back in everyday. Plus there is no place to put it if I were to try doing that.
The smoke here in the valley is not as bad this morning. I could see the mountains to the west again although there was some smoke. Not as much wind yesterday which may account for it or maybe the wind direction.
Mr. Roberts has posted a good article but he has it wrong that the US will be a country without a history. It will just be a sad history, on a par with the Rise and Fall of Rome. In my opinion most of the world 'cancelled' the US some years ago and have been doing their best to ignore it and go their own way.
All of this can only end by making the United States a country without a history. America is being cancelled. According to the New York Times, the US is a country based on white racism. Therefore, American history is entirely racist and more disturbing than Aunt Jemima or a statue of Robert E. Lee.
Indeed, Western culture, being offensive, is itself being cancelled. How can our cancellation be reconciled with the neoconservative claim that Americans are an exceptional and indispensable people entitled to hegemony over the world?—Cancelling America, Paul Craig Roberts
23 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

The left side of the bedroom is almost ready to be painted. I got all the nail holes spackle and have rough sanded the fake wood surfaces that will also be painted. The masking is partially done and should be finished today. Maybe get part of the front wall spackled today as well.
It was just as hot in the bedroom as I thought it would be. By the time I called it quits yesterday I was stopping every few minutes to wipe sweat. The mattress continues to be a problem but I was able to move it about a foot toward the right wall. This gave me enough room to do the rough sanding of the fake wood 'headboard' and to mask it off. Should be able to do the same thing on the right side to give me access to the 'footboard'. Not easy to do but is doable.
I was also distilling more water. That did not help keep the bedroom cool but I needed to do it. I should have five gallons available by tomorrow morning. Then maybe it will stay somewhat cooler.
My latest pre-cooked 'linners' are Three Sisters Succotash. That is just beans (pinto this time because I had them), cut corn and yellow squash. If you look for recipes on the web you will find that there is a lot of other stuff added but for this batch I am eating only the three sisters. I may change the corn to hominy next time and perhaps the variety of squash. The nutritionists claim that together, the complementary amino acids of the Three Sisters form complete proteins, virtually eliminating the need for meat in the diet.
I'm confused by Biden's campaign so far. He is hiding in his basement but is buying TV ads and posting Tweets that want me to think he is a raving war hawk. An April Biden campaign ad accused president Trump of being too soft on China by failing to force Beijing to allow US government officials into Wuhan to monitor their governing of the pandemic outbreak. The operative words here are too soft and force. Are we to believe that Biden would have declared war and invaded China?
24 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

I received my 'vellies', Veldskoen, from Jim Green Footwear in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. You can buy the Jim Green Vellie in Full Grain Suede Leather at Amazon but the Tanned Leather that I wanted was available only from South Africa. An email from the company representative that I have been dealing with to get these boots said "You proudly the first person to receive the Tan leather vellie option in the US."
Beyond having bragging rights, they look and feel great and were about 70% the price of the popular Clark Desert Boot which is a copy of the original Veldskoens. I'll be wearing them for a few hours each day for the next few days before going on walkabout in them.
A house divided against itself cannot stand. And a society whose history is hated by millions of its members will not survive.—How Long Will the Vandals Run Amok?, Patrick J. BuchananDo the 'elites' really want to emulate South Africa and Zimbabwe in the United States? When I say 'elites' I am not referring to those in government, they are only puppets. It is the business elites that are driving the change in the U.S.; the post-conflict political elite will not automatically become the post-conflict business elite. That was the case in South Africa and will most likely be true here as well. Therefore, the answer to my question above is - Yes, probably.
Only the white vote can elect Joe Biden president. If white people elect Joe Biden, it will be an act of self-destruction. Biden has promised to ignore the Second Amendment and to disarm the population. Of course, it will only be law-abiding whites who are disarmed. Once they are disarmed, the next looting and burning will be in white neighborhoods.Just a couple of thoughts from the founder of the American Pistol Institute (API) in Paulden, Arizona (later the Gunsite Academy).
For decades the entire purpose of education has been to destroy white confidence and to build black anger. It has been successful. White people will now have to fight for their lives or be cancelled.—Will White People Self-Destruct?, Paul Craig Roberts
If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.
Los Angeles and Ho Chi Minh City have declared themselves sister cities. It makes sense: they are both Third World metropolises formerly occupied by Americans. — Jeff Cooper
25 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

The bedroom painting preparation is moving along slowly but is moving along. I'll be spackling the front section today and maybe get it mostly masked off. Tomorrow is shopping day and I'll get the paint - maybe.
The past couple of days have been hot, 89.8° and 89.5°, for here. But during our afternoon walks there has been cloud shadows and a wind so it has not been bad. It is worse while inside Desperado because I don't always get good cross ventilation so it is hotter inside than outside.
The Three Sisters Succotash turned out to be pretty good. I'll definitely use some hominy for the next batch and a different bean, maybe red kidney.
This was President Trump's Tweet.
There will never be an 'Autonomous Zone' in Washington, D.C., as long as I'm your President. If they try they will be met with serious force!Twitter has censored the post:
This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about abusive behavior. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public's interest for the Tweet to remain accessible. LEARN MORE
The LEARN MORE link then says:
We've placed a public interest notice on this Tweet for violating our policy against abusive behavior, specifically, the presence of a threat of harm against an identifiable group. Per our policies, this Tweet will remain on the service given its relevance to ongoing public conversation. Engagements with the Tweet will be limited. People will be able to Retweet with Comment, but not Like, Reply, or Retweet it.
See Twitter Censors Trump For "Threat Of Harm", Has No Problem With Threats To Bomb Foreigners by Caitlin Johnstone for her article. She documents the selective enforcement by Twitter of abusive behavior to fit the narrative; Russia bad, Iran bad, North Korea bad, Venezuela bad, Black Lives Matter and Antifa good. As she says "Power is the ability to control what happens. Absolute power is the ability to control what people think about what happens."
Simply put, things are not going to get better. Neither the USA (as the host of the Empire) nor the Empire itself (which is a parasite living off the USA) are in any condition to reform themselves. This train has left a very long time ago (and it appears that 80% of US Americans agree with that). As long as the Empire (thought of as “The West”) still had some credibility left, it could at least pretend to be willing to right many undeniable wrongs without subverting itself in the process. After all, the best way to control a potentially dangerous opposition is to infiltrate it and then redirect it in a safe direction (that is basically the main role given to the Left wing of the Democratic Party and its pretend-revolutionaries leaders like Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard: a glorified safety valve). Furthermore, the entire BLM movement – being both racist and violent – has exactly zero potential, even partially, to reform the Western society (abolishing police departments does not qualify). This does not mean, however, that it cannot greatly contribute to the final collapse of the Empire. After all, what we see today is that all the symbols of power of this society (politicians, cops, corporations, religious leaders, etc.) are “taking a knee” when faced with what any mentally sane society would immediately recognize as a textbook case of criminal rioting. And when one politician dares to appeal for a full restoration of law and order, he gets vilified along with the editor who dared to post it.—The Empire takes a knee. Let it. But we don’t have to!, The Saker
26 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: June 26, 1932
Stopped at Booga Red's for breakfast where I had what has become my usual. I was able to get home fries rather than hashbrowns and they were very good. It looks to me that they are doing about the same amount of business as they did last year which is good. Maybe they will survive the first lockdown but I'm not so sure that they could survive a second one.
A quick grocery gathering at Safeway where I got everything on my short list. I then went to Ace Hardware where I had a few minutes wait outside and a few more inside until the Paint Desk person could help me. Bought a quart that may be enough to paint the bedroom but it was either a quart that may not be enough of a gallon that would be far too much. I'll soon see how the paint color I selected is going to look.
The next stop was at a bank in Eagar to get some quarters for the laundromat. I had another short wait there also. A woman came and opened the door but then told me that they were not open yet. She was helping a couple at the ATM but did ask me if she could help me and brought me the quarters.
The last stop was at a dog groomer where I wanted to make an appointment. From all appearances the grooming is a paying hobby rather than a grooming business. There was no one in the grooming salon and no one responded to my knocks.
A modified meme.
"The WHO and the CDC should now recommend that we all wear blindfolds as well as masks to protect us from seeing what's really going on."
An intriguing question is what the nonviolent, non-racist, warm and fuzzy pseudopolice will do when they encounter violent criminals. Counsel them on social justice? I would love to watch...
As a philosophic emollient one may reflect that all empires and civilizations must end, and ours is. America will remain as a place, a military bastion, a large if declining economic force. It will never again be, even by the low standards of humanity in such things, a relatively free and vigorous society. The world will not again credit its charades of moral leadership. The rot, the tens of thousands of derelict people living on the sidewalks, the looting and fire setting, the censorship, are now visible to the entire earth. Oh well. It was a good thing while it lasted.—A Country Not Salvageable, Fred Reed
American Gods (2001) is a fantasy novel that is a blend of Americana, fantasy, and various strands of ancient and modern mythology, all centering on the mysterious and taciturn Shadow.
The book was published in 2001 by Headline in the United Kingdom and by William Morrow in the United States. It gained a positive critical response and won the Hugo and Nebula awards in 2002.
A special tenth anniversary edition, which includes the "author's preferred text" and 12,000 additional words, was published in June 2011 by William Morrow. Two audio versions of the book were produced and published by Harper Audio: an unabridged version of the original published edition, read by George Guidall, released in 2001; a full cast audiobook version of the tenth anniversary edition, released in 2011.—Edited Wikipedia
27 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

I don't want to jinx my progress but want a record of what my psoriasis condition was at this time. I'll use a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the condition in October 2019 when I fainted. It was at 9 or 10 on 13 March when I had a flare and went to the VA where they took pictures and sent them to the VA Dermatology in Puget Sound, WA. On 18 March I began what I call my Flexatarian diet which is whole food plant based with a breakfast everytime I go to town but have been getting veggie omelette with no cheese.
I had a VA blood draw on 2 April which showed that my total cholesterol was below 200, a good level, for the first time since I went off statins. It also showed that my c reactive protein level was high which I had anticipated and was the reason I asked to have it measured (it is not part of the normal VA blood analysis)—this is a measure of inflammation.
I have no current blood test to compare but just looking at my psoriasis I would now rate it at a 6 or 7. There are some areas that have cleared up much more and they would be a 1 or 2.
I think that the progress that I am seeing is all due to the change in diet. Especially eliminating all dairy. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease but inflammation is part of the cause and dairy is inflammatory. I'll write more about this.
I have not listed all the poems, only the major heading starting with number 12 on the list. I read all the poems but liked only "The Raven" and "The Bells". I am not much of a poem person so you may enjoy many more than I.
1) Philosophy of Furniture
2) The Tale Of Jerusalem
3) The Sphinx
4) Hop-Frog
5) The Man of the Crowd
6) Never Bet the Devil Your Head
7) Thou Art the Man
8) Why the Little Frenchman Wears his Hand in a Sling
9) Some Words with a Mummy
10) The Poetic Principle
11) Old English Poetry
12) Poems Of Later Life
13) Poems Of Manhood
14) Poems Of Youth
15) Doubtful Poems
Were establishment conservatives instead to drop the ‘America is just fine because it’s not North Korea yet’ act, they would find themselves inundated with popular support and attention. They could very well suck the wind out of BLM’s Marxist, racist, prevaricating sails. The hugely successful lie peddled by BLM is that black Americans are the only ones really suffering from the effects of a broken country on account of their race. A grain of truth–the broken country part–keeps this lie afloat. The solvent to this lie happens to be the full truth: 90% of ALL Americans are worried and suffering, and no party speaks for them the way BLM does for black Americans.—Black Lives Matter Gets Just One Thing Right: The United States Is Profoundly Broken, Clint Fargeau
I don't believe in appeasement. I'll let Rudyard Kipling explain why.IT IS always a temptation to an armed and agile nationThat's what far too many liberal, progressive, left-wing local and state governments are doing right now. They're "paying the Dane-geld" by pandering to the mob, rather than cracking down on its criminal conduct. That can have only one future, as the mob grows more and more emboldened.—When our government abandons us to the mob, Peter Grant
To call upon a neighbour and to say: –
"We invaded you last night – we are quite prepared to fight,
Unless you pay us cash to go away."
And that is called asking for Dane-geld,
And the people who ask it explain
That you've only to pay 'em the Dane-geld
And then you'll get rid of the Dane!
It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: –
"Though we know we should defeat you,
we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away."
And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we've proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.
It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
For fear they should succumb and go astray;
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
You will find it better policy to say: --
"We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that plays it is lost!"
28 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

This is Too Much Information for those of you that may be reading my blog postings but I want this information for reference. I have added the emphasis. Note: I have also downloaded a PDF file although I think it is DRM protected.
The adult intestine hosts a huge number of diverse bacterial species, collectively referred to as the microbiome, that reside mainly in the lower gut, where they maintain a symbiotic relationship with their host. Recent research points to a central role of the microbiome in many biological processes. These microbial communities are influenced by multiple environmental and dietary factors and can modulate immune responses. In addition to local effects on the gastrointestinal tract, the microbiota is associated with effects on other organs and tissues, such as the skin. Indeed, an altered microbiome has been associated with skin disorders in several instances. Thus, in this review, we describe the recent advances regarding the interplay between gut microbiota and the skin. We explore how this potential link affects skin homeostasis and its influence on modulating the cutaneous immune response, focusing on psoriasis disorder. Finally, we discuss how to take advantage of this interplay to manage this disorder, particularly through probiotics administration. In the gastrointestinal tract, the microbiome has been proven to be important in the maintenance of the balance between effector T cells and regulatory T cells, and the induction of immunoglobulin A. Moreover, gut bacterial dysbiosis is associated with chronic inflammatory disorders of the skin, such as psoriasis. Thus, the microbiome can be considered an effective therapeutical target for treating this disorder. Despite some limitations, interventions with probiotics seem promising for the development of a preventive therapy by restoring altered microbiome functionality or as an adjuvant in specific immunotherapy.—The role of gut microbiome in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and the therapeutic effects of probiotics, Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Was there some poll? Did the ratings come in? Did the media realize they beclowned themselves recklessly jumping on numerous hoaxes? Scanning the front page of NYT and The Washington Post, all the top stories are about Covid19, the big story that the protests had overcome and submerged. But Covid is back with a vengeance.
On the NYT home page, the entire "above the fold" space is devoted to Covid19. After that, there is one protest-related story, "How the Philadelphia Police Tear-Gassed Trapped Protesters". On the WaPo home page, the "above the fold" area is full of Covid19 headlines. Then there are a few things about the 2020 elections. Finally, near the bottom, in tiny print, I see "Perspective/Toppling more statues isn’t working when there’s other work to be done."
I really think a big decision was made to stop talking about it! I'm just going to guess: Word got around that the ongoing protests were hurting Democratic Party candidates.—Media Now Downplaying BLM Orgy of Destruction, Diogenes Sarcastica
When the agitators and the Black Lives Matter malcontents, and the academics and their Karens in the suburban cul-de-sacs run out of statues to topple, and movies to ban, and names to change, make no mistake: They are coming for you… After all: You are the "system"… — What Happens When They Run out of Statues?, conservativecurmudgeon
29 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

I got the right side of the bedroom sanded, spackled and masked yesterday. It was a hot sweaty job again with no breeze stirring. Saturday I painted the left side and about half of the front. Today I hope to get the right side and the remainder of the front painted. Then I need to shift the mattress around to get the headboard, footboard and the lower portion of the front painted. That may require three days since I need to let the paint dry before I can move the mattress around. Making progress.
President Barack Obama surprised many voters during a pre-election interview when he approvingly noted that Ronald Reagan had "changed the trajectory of America" in a way that other presidents had not. In effect, Obama was saying that he, too, aimed to transform America in some fundamental way. Yet while Americans in 1982 may have been divided over Reagan's politics, at least they knew what he stood for. Do we really understand Obama's vision for our country?
In his controversial new book, veteran journalist Stanley Kurtz culls together two years of investigations from archives and never-before-tapped sources to present an exhaustively-researched exposé of President Obama's biggest secret—the socialist convictions and tactical ruthlessness he has long swept under the rug.
A personable figure, a thoughtful politician, and an inspiring orator, Obama has hidden his core political beliefs from the American people—sometimes by directly misrepresenting his past and sometimes by omitting or parceling out damaging information to disguise its real importance. The president presents himself as a post-ideological pragmatist, yet his current policies grow directly from the nexus of socialist associates and theories that has shaped him throughout his adult life.
Kurtz makes an in-depth exploration of the president's connections to radical groups such as ACORN, UNO of Chicago, the Midwest Academy, and the Socialist Scholars Conferences. He explains what modern "stealth" socialism is, how it has changed, and how it continues to influence the Democratic Party. He sheds light on what the New York Times called a "lost chapter" of the president's life—his years at Columbia‐and proves that Obama's youthful infatuation with socialism was not just a phase. Those ideas have shaped his political views and set the groundwork for the long-term strategy of his administration.
It could be argued that Obama's past no longer matters, but, in a sense, it matters more than the present. Obama has adopted the gradualist socialist strategy of his mentors, seeking to combine comprehensive government regulation of private businesses with a steadily enlarging public sector. Eventually, in his hands, capitalist America could resemble a socialist-inspired Scandinavian welfare state.
The gap between inner conviction and public relations in Obama's case is vastly wider than for most American politicians. If Americans understood in 2008 the facts Kurtz reveals in this shocking political biography, Obama would not be president today. The fears of his harshest critics are justified: our Commander-in- Chief is a Radical-in-Chief. — Book promo @ goodreads.com
30 June
Springerville RV
Springerville, AZ

I got the right side of the bedroom painted and completed painting the front yesterday. Now I have the left side headboard, right side footboard and the lower part of the front to paint. Almost all of this area is covered when the mattress is in place so I'll fight with that.
I got the left side painted this morning while it was still cool. Although if the forecast proves to be correct it should remain cool most of the day. This morning the low was 47.2° and I had on my windbreaker as well as the usual flannel shirt. It was very nice but would have been too cool without the windbreaker. The expected high is to be 78 with a breeze so the walk this afternoon should be great. Yesterday we had winds in the 15-25mph range with gusts of 32. That was not so good.
The forces of evil have succeeded. The white race is now split: self-hating white liberals on one side and Trump deplorables on the other. The latter are marked for extermination politically, economically and culturally, if not physically.—Escape from Minneapolis and Seattle, Paul Craig Roberts
But I think the most disturbing aspect of this episode, which perhaps indicates how deep our societal rot goes, has less to do with the rioters than with those in positions of authority. Rioters and miscreants we will always have, but that is why we have authorities. Ours, however, seem to have utterly abdicated. In city after city, mayors and governors decline to act against vandals, the police stand down, and the devil is allowed to take the hindmost. Corporations fall over themselves to advertise their virtuousness, and give what looks very much like protection money to organizations whose goals are openly subversive of the fundamental American political and social order. University administrators are all too willing to side with those who suppress free inquiry, and routinely cave to protestors rather than defend even the most fundamental tenets of academic freedom.—Of Statues And Symbolic Murder, Wilfred M. McClay