1 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: January 1, 1933
We cut the walk short by about 10 minutes again this morning. Not because it was cold, the low was only 30.8°, but I wanted to be on the road by 7:30.
It was not a long drive today only 115 miles which was around 20 miles more than necessary.
However, I wanted to drive historic US80 from Benson to the Junction with AZ 82 which I have not driven in 45-50 years. Did that and stopped at the Landmark in Sierra Vista for breakfast. Then filled Desperado with gas before driving some roads that I never had before through Hereford.
The route: S. Haskell (Willcox), I-10 (30 miles), Pomerene Rd, E. 4th St (Benson), AZ80 (historic US80), AZ82, AZ90, N. Buffalo Soldier Trail, Fry Blvd , AZ 90, Monson Rd (Sierra Vista), E. Hereford Rd, S. Hereford Rd, AZ92, S. Wilson Rd, & W. Newell St (Naco)

Patches is not 100% but she is much better. Still a bit hesitant getting up the steps into Desperado but more enerjetic when she gets up in the morning.
A very sarcastic essay by a nom de plume James Madison that is a good read. I quote only the closing.
And the people? Heads down and keep them down. You are ruled by the best that fame and money can barter (with you being the goods traded). Be comforted. Your rulers are more than obelisk worthy, they are pyramid worthy, pyramids built with your sweat and labor, and upon your backs. A new patrician aristocracy made up of the old aristocracy has returned to save us. Yummy. They did so well before. Thank you 2020! You will make the next few years rewarding in ways we cannot imagine.
2020 was a great year. It completely dropped the veil on elite privilege and systemic elitism.–2020 Was A Great Year!, James Madison
Thought for the day…There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer’s research. This means that by 2025, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs, huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.
2 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

Didn't do anything after getting set up in my space in the new camp. Went for our afternoon walk which was exploratory looking for a good route to walk this morning in the half dark.
Walking the old railroad bed where the track has been taken up is not too bad in daylight; I don't want to do it in the morning. We did a loop through the old commercial district of Naco this morning with most of that downtown all boarded up. We also came upon 4-5 dogs running loose so that is not a good route.
The low here was right on 21° just what the experts forecast it would be. I can only hope that they are right again with the guess of 28 for the low tomorrow morning.
The Supreme Court refused to examine the charges of massive fraud in the presidential elections, brought forth and demonstrated by the plaintiff. The reasoning, in layman’s terms, is that fraud was none of the Court’s business, even when it involves the actual future of the country — of whose laws, and therefore civilized existence the Supreme Court is the supreme arbiter. One reasonable conclusion is that the majority of the Supreme Court does not feel as powerful or secure as the supremacy implied in its appellation would suggest. In laymen’s terms some of the ‘supremes’ fear for their ass. The confused citizen wonders what is ‘supreme’ about the Supreme Court…Do I want the Coronavirus® vaccine? No thank you very much, I’ll pass.
Hence the ordinary citizen today does not know what power wants from him. He strives to literally follow the most absurd rules, at times nonsensical, at times draconian, at times falsely permissive. Yet, the more he strives to comply, the more he is threatened with imminent new dangers (e.g. new strains of the same virus requiring more coercion and (?) new vaccines). In the end the situation dampens the desire for rebellion, while it reinforces, in the most part, the feeling of having something wrong within oneself. For a confusional state, therefore, creates more dependence than fear or consent.–The Power of Confusion, Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog
“According to government [Israel] data, the majority of those who received the coronavirus jabs reported no side effects, although some people sought medical assistance due to weakness, dizziness, fever, and diarrhea, reportedly caused by the vaccination. The Israeli Health Ministry also reported cases of people suffering from allergic reactions and developing neurological symptoms after receiving the shots with the vaccine.”
…what climbs in a money bubble is the total amount of paper wealth in circulation. … most of the paper earnings generated by the bubble end up being reinvested in some other form of paper wealth. Here again, this has certainly happened; the only reason we haven’t seen thousand- percent inflation as a result of the vast manufacture of paper wealth in recent decades is that most of it has been used solely to buy even more newly manufactured paper wealth.–The Wealth of Nature, John Michael Greer
3 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

There was not much change in the low temperature this morning compared to yesterday morning. It was one degree warmer at 22° but felt colder. I hope the actual is closer to the forecast low of 29 tomorrow morning.
Our morning walk was out and back on Wilson Rd with a turn off into a new housing development when we reached a cattle guard on Wilson. This is a good route but I’ll probably modify it for morning walks.
Do I want some of that Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to protect me from Coronaviris®? I think not, thank you very much.
The Ministry of Health reports that a 32-year-old doctor, who received the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech, is hospitalized in the intensive care unit of a high-specialty hospital attached to the Mexican Institute of Social Security in Nuevo León state, after she developed a rash, seizures, decreased muscle strength and shortness of breath , in the next half hour to the application. The reaction was detected within the specific observation area of the vaccination cell in which the doctor received her vaccine.– Translated
A century from now, in 2110, if the technology to maintain a worldwide empire still exists… somebody else will be in that position [world empire]. It won’t be America, because empire is the methamphetamine of nations; in the short term, the effects feel great, but in the long term they’re lethal. Britain managed to walk away from its empire without catastrophe because the United States was ready, willing and able to take over, and give Britain a place in the inner circle of US allies into the bargain. Most other nations have paid for their imperial overshoot with a century or two of economic collapse, political chaos and social disintegration.–The Wealth of Nature Economics, John Michael Greer
As we view the achievements of aggregated capital, we discover the existence of trusts, combinations, and monopolies, while the citizen is struggling far in the rear or is trampled to death beneath an iron heel.
Corporations, which should be the carefully constrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people, are fast becoming the people's masters. — Grover Cleveland, State of the Union 1885– –1888
4 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

On 4 November 2020 I wrote this:
There is going to be a lot of ‘talk’ about the election through the weekend. However, I don’t think there will even be a tentative decision by Monday. The final decision will be on 6 January 2021 when the electors vote is counted by the joint meeting of Congress. There the decision may hinge on how many faithless electors there are, there were 10 of them in 2016, and which way they swing. Lots of drama between now and then.
I was about half right, there has been a lot of drama but the final decision may not be on 6 January 2021. There may be more drama to come and not because of faithless electors but rather from elector challenges. “May you live in interesting times”
The Wealth of Nature suggests public policy initiatives and personal choices that can help alleviate the economic impact of peak oil. These strategies must address not only financial concerns, but the issues of resource depletion and pollution as well. Examples include:
- Adjusting tax policy to penalize the use of natural nonrenewable resources over recycled materials
- Placing public welfare above corporate interests
- Empowering individuals, families, and communities by prioritizing local, sustainable solutions
- Building economies at an appropriate scale.
A lot of running around today with a trip into Sierra Vista and Whetstone. Stopped at the Country kitchen for breakfast before going to D & J RV to make sure they knew what I wanted done on 12 February. That is when they will remove the old hood and replace it with the new one that I have ordered plus give me switches for the water pump, water heater and generator.
The stop in Whetstone was at Roadrunners Body Shop. They do auto painting but also Cerakote things such as the plastic ‘furniture’ on my Ruger PC Carbine. They also sell ammo but could not order me a bulk supply of 9mm.
Picked up mail, including the kitchen faucet that I ordered, at my UPS Store. Then I stopped at a friend's place for a visit and patches got some dog play time. She seems worn out now that we are back in Naco.
5 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The low this morning was 32° and it felt balmy. I even took my mittens off for a short time because my hands were sweating. I can only wish that we have more mornings like this during January. The 10 Day forecast is expecting the lows to be mostly in the upper 20s so I’ll probably be getting real lows in the lower 20s.
I had a problem with my Fire 10 opening web pages this morning. Wasted at least a half hour before trying to use the Toshiba and had the same problem with it. Both of them showed that they were connected to Verizon. I shut the Verizon MIFI down and opened it again and that fixed the problem. It had to have been a Verizon issue.
I for one don’t want to be another member of a glorified immunization trial. An untrustworthy medical establishment, rushed vaccine, incomplete trials, adverse anecdotal side effects, and absence of historical data are all good reasons to opt-out of a vaccine, but put all those factors together, and that’s a recipe for disaster not many want to touch, let alone put in their body.–I Won’t Be Taking The COVID-19 Vaccine. Here’s Why, Chase Watkins
Civil war, medical discrimination, spy satellites and cyborgs! How 2021 could make us yearn for 2020 by Helen Buyniski. I have not quoted from the article but she writes articles for RT because no Establishment media will publish them. A suggested read.
Consider this for just a moment.
Now [15 October 2020], for the first time, the Peace Corps does not have a single volunteer in the field. About 7,000 American volunteers and trainees were pulled out of 61 countries in mid-March because of the spreading covid-19 health crisis, and their service contracts have ended.
The latest ‘stimulus’ bill passed by Congress gives $90,000,000 to the Peace Corps. This is added to the budgeted amount that was included in the annual federal budget. The Peace Corps administrators are going to live well.
6 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

There is not much going on here. Just the same routine as usual. I do have some garbonzos cooking in the Thermal Cooker that will become more pottage by this time tomorrow. That and more reading.
I’m also awaiting the results of GA senate races and the electoral count certification by Congress. I’m undecided what I want to happen with either of those results. Leaning toward giving the Democrat Party complete political power so they have no excuses as this country swirles down the drain. That may wake, versus woke, the people in this country that there needs to be changes made - not selecting more Democrat or Republican Establishment members but some changes.
Patches’ hips seem to be much better. Maybe 95% what they were before this latest problem she had and this could be her new normal.
7 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The only thing that I have been doing is following the insurrection in Washington D. C.; mostly on alt-news sites and bloggers. I don’t need to know what the mainstream media thinks, that is well known by now.
Amid the chaos president-elect Biden has been certified as the president elect by a joint Congress rather than by that same mainstream media. Perhaps in the future we can do away with any Congressional certification and simply rely on what the media tells us.
The Democrats also now have complete control of the federal government - let the punishments begin. At the top of the list is impeach president Trump. If you think that need not be done because he is gone on 20 January you don’t understand that if he is impeached then he can not hold office in 2024. This is very important for the Democrats.
In Washington D.C. right now…
… we’re seeing the truth of the old Biblical adage: “Those who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind.”
If I were in D.C. today, I’d be in the Capitol along with the protesters.
This is what happens when the Left thinks it can get away with murder, and acts accordingly - only to be brought up short by the righteous anger of those they’ve wronged and ignored.
So, now … let the cards fall where they may. As Julius Caesar said, “Alea iacta est”. The die is cast. Nobody knows what the future holds - but it will definitely not be “politics as usual” any more.
Peter Grant
A “mostly peaceful protest” at the capitol in Washington D. C. And the police shoot DEAD an unarmed woman. No fires were started, very limited looting, no police shot and no media headlines that proclaim that it was a Mostly Peaceful Protest.
For those of you that did not read President Trump's Tweet because it was removed for inciting violence here it is.
These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!
Let’s not forget here that the Elites and their Left-Wing dupes have all along made it clear that their so-called unity plans and great resets contain no room for opposition. They’ve always spoken and written of us in terms of a problem that needs to be dealt with; and never as a legitimate political or social movement. This very morning, I saw this headline at Yahoo News: ”Maskless Morons Gather in Washington to Support the Worst President in History."–A Brief Word On Today’s Violence, Nightwind
8 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: January 8, 1933

The ‘insurrection’ in Washington D. C. was great news for the stock market — I know not why. The DOW Index set new record highs on the back of the chaos at the capitol. It looks like it is going to be a Biden market for the next four years with no limit on how high the Dow can go. The only limit that might be imposed would be the Federal Reserve stops creating money out of thin air but that is unlikely.
There is no future for our country if we stay on the path that we are currently on. We are engaging in self-destructive behavior in thousands of different ways, and even though there have been endless warnings, we are so addicted to our self-destructive behavior that we just can’t help ourselves.
At this point, it is difficult to imagine how anyone can possibly be optimistic about the future of our nation.
But apparently stock market investors disagree, because they just keep pushing stock prices higher and higher.
It shall be very interesting to watch how high they can go before the system finally implodes.–The Worse Things Get, The More The Stock Market Likes It, Michael Snyder
A quote from an article written by someone that was on the scene and is not controlled by the Establishment. You will not see this article in the mainstream media, the writer does not have the correct narrative.
A man to my left makes a blunt proclamation: “Revolution—it’s past due.” The dramatic claim sums up fairly well the general mood in the crowd. There is palpable rage here, and not just among the QAnon fanatics or the rioters up front. It is about more than the election. Donald Trump is merely a focal point, as are (in the opposite direction) Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. Their fury is aimed at a system they feel failed them—or worse, worked exactly as intended. Impeach Trump, indict rioters—that anger is not going away. What’s happening on the Capitol steps, with tens of thousands gathered, feels dangerously close to a legitimacy crisis. Commentary later will call this a dark day—or a disgraceful end to the Trump years, the tragic culmination of escalating, dangerous rhetoric and conduct—but on the ground it feels far more like the beginning of something than the end of anything. When Congress reconvenes at night, the establishment will be openly hardened against the right-wing resistance that boiled over today. Some will declare it dead, banished from the GOP. But there is something here that will not go away.–What I Saw At The Capitol Riot, Declan Leary
Her name is Ashli Babbitt. Was she the first Trump supporter to die? How many more will there be? With the Democrats in total control of this country at the federal level is it now open season on anyone that supported Trump? Are there bounties?
It is not all bad. There is some good news here. I just had a morning walk in temperatures that were not freezing or below — it was 33° this morning. This was the first morning above freezing since 28 December 2020 and that was an aberration. It has been cold.
I was going to go back to Sierra Vista on Sunday, my scheduled shopping day, but received an email from the shop in Whetstone that he had finished the work that I left him. He is closed on Sunday so I’ll go tomorrow. There are packages to pick up at my UPS Store as well.
9 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

Everything went reasonably well this morning until I got back to the Park. There I plugged in to the electric and got none. Wandered around the Park for almost a half hour looking for ‘Management’. Told him I had no power, he came and gave a look after about 10 minutes, saw there was no power and said he would check a few things. It has been a half hour and he came back with a meter and checked for electricity at the pedestal then left again. I’ll continue the tale tomorrow.
The stove hood and sink were at my UPS Store so I have everything now except the stove top which I have been told has shipped. I ordered a stainless steel hood and received a white one. Not worth troubling about it which is most likely what the vendor thought also.
The Ruger PC Carbine looks great. Roadrunner Body Shop does firearm cerakote painting as well as auto painting and did a very quick job. The plastic ‘furniture’ is now a midnight bronze color rather than the standard ‘assault rifle’ black.
I don’t know what the low temperature was this morning although I think it was above freezing again. The reporting station is offline. Maybe they have no electricity either; my neighbor two spaces away on the east side has electricity. What I do have is some fairly strong winds so there may be colder weather blowing in.
I’ll get this posted while I have some battery charge remaining. Maybe get electricity by tomorrow.
10 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The only way I could get 30 amp service again was to change the space I was in. When I first hooked up I had a warning light on my surge protector that would come and go. So I had been plugged in without it not knowing if it was the protector or the service.
The 15 amp plug had one of those CFI resets. Once it was pushed I had power back to the basement heater but the 30 amp was still not working. Into a new space where the surge protector is not showing a warning, the 30 amp and the 15 amp are both working. So I’m set again — for now.
I have Firefox on my Toshiba and have not been very happy with it for over a year, something changed, I see now that there are more changes planned so when I get my converted Chromebook back I’ll not install Firefox as my default browser.
The developers of the Firefox browser, the non-profit Mozilla Corp, jumped on the Stalinist bandwagon and announced more must be done to keep Donald Trump and other “bad actors” out of your precious cyberspace. They don’t give any hint as to who will determine who’s a “bad actor” or not.–Firefox Joins the Internet Stalinist, Diogenes Sarcastica™
When people said Trump was a dictator, they were full of crap. With Trump, could you say something negative about him? Criticize him? Organize politically against him? Contrast what you were allowed to say about Trump with what you are allowed to say about the BLM, the hongweibings of the junta.–Our Junta, Clarissa
11 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The very first line in the ‘To Mount Rack’ instructions was:
A helper will make the job easier.
That is a understatement but I was able to install the Big Sky Rack BSR–1 by myself yesterday. It took me about 4-5 times as long to do it as it would have with help but it is installed. The proof of how well will only appear after I drive over some rough roads and it is still ‘hanging in there’.
The low this morning was 24° but there are colder mornings coming. The next two are forecast to be 19 so I can expect something less than that. The high today is expected to be 46 with it warming to 52 tomorrow. The rest of the 10 day forecast has the highs in the 60s, or near 60s, with almost all the mornings above freezing. I might believe the highs but doubt the lows.
It is going to be cold but I have to get out there and do the tank dumps today, can’t put it off any longer, It is the water tank going dry that is the most pressing issue that forces me out into the cold today or I wouldn’t go.
The first and most overpowering impression upon seeing a great state suddenly plunged into agony and disarray is sheer disbelief at “how the mighty have fallen”… The magnitude of the disaster overwhelms both literally and metaphorically. In the latter sense it is particularly striking. A formerly dynamic and agile commonwealth, as in a fiendish practical joke, now in its doddering phase is being put in the charge of an embarrassing senile dotard whose decrepit condition exactly matches the demise of the once imposing entity that he is being installed to nominally govern.–Lights Out for the City on the Hill, Stephen Karganovic
A meme that needs thinking about - edited.
We spend $750 billion annually on “defense” and the center of American government fell in two hours to the duck dynasty and the guy in a chewbacca bikini and a buffalo horned headpiece.
12 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The forecast low was wrong again for this morning but it was warmer than expected which is rare. The low was 28° with 19 the expected. That 28 this morning did feel like 19 from time to time due to wind chill.
The weather guessers have stayed with their 19 low for tomorrow morning but have raised their guess for the highs today and tomorrow a degree or two. There will most likely be freezing mornings through the end of this month unless the weather guessers get it right or are wrong like this morning.
I added water while at my space yesterday but could not get either of the two sewer caps off that were within hose length from there. I did find a sewer cap that I could get off so unhooked from the electric and moved Desperado there so I could dump tanks.
I had gone looking for the Park manager but he is never available when you need him. I then sent him an email but knew it would be hours, or maybe days, before he would respond. He did show up about an hour later and could not get one of the caps off either but did get the other one off. The sewer layout has two caps at each space which is ‘different’
In 1914, the First World War ignited a brutal conflict in North America, with the United States finally defeating the Confederate States. In 1917, The Great War ended and an era of simmering hatred began, fueled by the despotism of a few and the sacrifice of many. Now it’s 1942. The USA and CSA are locked in a tangle of jagged, blood-soaked battle lines, modern weaponry, desperate strategies, and the kind of violence that only the damned could conjure up—for their enemies and themselves.
In Richmond, Confederate president and dictator Jake Featherston is shocked by what his own aircraft have done in Philadelphia—killing U.S. president Al Smith in a barrage of bombs. Featherston presses ahead with a secret plan carried out on the dusty plains of Texas, where a so-called detention camp hides a far more evil purpose.
As the untested U.S. vice president takes over for Smith, the United States face a furious thrust by the Confederate army, pressing inexorably into Pennsylvania. But with the industrial heartland under siege, Canada in revolt, and U.S. naval ships fighting against the Japanese in the Sandwich Islands, the most dangerous place in the world may be overlooked. — Book promo @ goodreads.com
The Saker has written a good aricle about the “attack” on the capital that does not follow the Establishment narrative. Recommended read!
Conclusion: now we are all Palestinians!
True, no “mob” won on the Capitol, unless we refer to the (disgraced, hated and useless) Congress as “the mob”. And, of course, neither did “the people” or the protesters. The only real winner in this entire operation was the US deep state and the US Nomenklatura. But they did not win any war, only the opening battle of a war which will be much longer than what they imagine in their ignorance.
I have said it many times, Trump really destroyed the USA externally, in terms of world politics. The Dems have done the same thing, only internally. For example, Trump is the one who most arrogantly ignored the rule of law in international affairs, but it was the Dems who destroyed the rule of law inside the USA. It was Trump who with his antics and narcissistic threats urbi et orbi who destroyed any credibility left for the USA as a country (or even of the the AngloZionist Empire as a whole), but it was the Dems who really decided to sabotage the very political system which allowed them to seize power in the first place.–The Mob Did Not Win, The Saker
13 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The low this morning was 19.8° but I had frozen water lines which didn’t happen at that temperature before. I think it is colder here than what the closest Weather Underground reporting station is recording. It felt colder than the 24 reported when we finished our walk as well.
I think that today will be devoted to getting, and staying, warm. I have books and articles stacked up on my Fire 8 that will keep me busy.
Globalism pretended to promise the same nirvana as communism had failed to deliver in its time, and came into full flower just as communism lost its legitimacy. Globalism also had the same tendency to impoverish and enslave huge populations while enriching the elite who managed its operations. The American people were sold on it, even while it destroyed their towns, their landscapes, and their vocations. What a shock, then, to find out that the so-called global economy was just a set of transient economic relations made possible by two historically peculiar circumstances: twenty-odd years of relative international peace and reliable supplies of cheap oil.–Long Emergency, James Howard Kunstler
This article by Wendell Berry addresses the same topic. Well worth reading, as are all of Berry's books and articles.
Sentimental capitalism is not so different from sentimental communism as the corporate and political powers claim. Sentimental capitalism holds in effect that everything small, local, private, personal, natural, good, and beautiful must be sacrificed in the interest of the “free market” and the great corporations, which will bring unprecedented security and happiness to “the many” – in, of course, the future.
These forms of political economy may be described as sentimental because they depend absolutely upon a political faith for which there is no justification, and because they issue a cold check on the virtue of political and/or economic rulers. They seek, that is, to preserve the gullibility of the people by appealing to a fund of political virtue that does not exist. Communism and “free-market” capitalism both are modern versions of oligarchy. In their propaganda, both justify violent means by good ends, which always are put beyond reach by the violence of the means. The trick is to define the end vaguely – “the greatest good of the greatest number” or “the benefit of the many” – and keep it at a distance.–The Idea Of A local Economy, Wendell Berry. Note: This is a PDF download.
14 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

My website and email host moved all my files to a different server on 9 January 2021. I think I have now got everything straightened out but not certain. There may still be some things that I have overlooked.
This morning the low was 31° and I took my mittens off for a short while because my hands were sweating. The forecast lows for the next 10 days are near freezing, plus or minus, which would be great if it were to happen. The weather guessers are also expecting rain next Tue, Wed & Thu which will not be good if that happens.
The only thing different happening today is my coffee order. I am unhappy with the new owners of Leapknot Coffee. They may not have been totally responsible for the last delay in shipping but two of the three orders I have placed with them were delivered very slow. I’m going to give Old Bisbee Roasters a try and placed an order with them this morning.
While innumerable Trump supporters have lost their Twitter and Facebook accounts due to social media censorship and cancel culture, cases of individuals being cut off by banks and other financial services are now growing too. The purge has gone beyond the realm of simply silencing people on major platforms for their opinions, but punishing them for expressing them by trying to make their lives unlivable.–Deplatforming Reaches New Heights of Absurdity, Diogenes Sarcastica™
Bye bye Miss American Pie"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." — Daniel Webster
And that’s why the drama is way, way, bigger than a mere discombobulated POTUS.
Every single institution controlled by the ruling class — from schools to mass media to the way workplaces are regulated — will go after the Deplorables with no mercy.
Professional CIA killer and liar John Breenan, key conceptualizer of totally debunked Russiagate, tweeted about the necessity of, in practice, setting up re-education camps. Media honchos called for “cleansing the movement”.
Politically, the Deplorables only have Trumpism. And that’s why Trumpism, with a possible avenue to become an established third party, must be smashed. As much as the 0.0001% is more terrified by the possibility of secession or armed revolt, they need urgent pre-emptive action against what is, for now, a nationalist mass movement, however inchoate its political proposals.–9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is the Holy Gr, Pepe Escobar
Why, after 20 years of post-9/11 police state and katrillions of dollars spent on weapons and surveillance and censorship and belligerent propaganda, was the Capitol not defended? Well, one cynical answer is that the government is run by morons. Yes, there is much evidence to support that view. An even more cynical answer—the true answer, I think—is that it doesn’t really matter what happens to the Capitol. It’s like the bird that fakes a broken wing to distract you from where her eggs really are.
The Capitol is a front. Not important. Try breaking into the NSA building, by contrast. Never mind. Don’t do that. Don’t even think about it. You wouldn’t get within 10 miles of the place before being vaporized.–Rabble Without A Cause, Jason Morgan
15 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: January 15, 1933
It was below freezing this morning, at 30°, but did not feel very cold. If the rest of the mornings in the 10 day forecast are like this that will be good. The rain, if it comes, will be bad.
I’ll just be doing the usual today then go to Sierra Vista again tomorrow. I have a stove top waiting for me to pick up at my UPS Store.
I’ll pass on getting the Coronavirus® vaccine, thank you very much. I believe this to be a ‘feature’ of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
WHO is aware of reports of 23 deaths following COVID-19 vaccination in Norway. The Norwegian Medicines Agency reported on 14 January its preliminary assessment of 13 of the deaths, all of whom were older adults in frail health. The agency reckoned the deaths could be linked to the normally mild side effects of the vaccine.
But here is a simple truth that many of us seem to resist: living too long is also a loss, it renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering and declining, a state that may not be worse than death but is nonetheless deprived. It robs us of our creativity and ability to contribute to work, society, the world. It transforms how people experience us, relate to us, and, most important, remember us. We are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic. By the time I [Ezekiel Emanuel] reach 75, I will have lived a complete life.–Why Folks are Concerned that Ezekiel Emanuel Is Named to Biden's COVID Advisory Panel, Cortney O'Brien
Another remarkable and unexpected symptom of national decline is the intensification of internal political hatreds. One would have expected that, when the survival of the nation became precarious, political factions would drop their rivalry and stand shoulder-to-shoulder to save their country. True to the normal course followed by nations in decline, internal differences are not reconciled in an attempt to save the nation. On the contrary, internal rivalries become more acute, as the nation becomes weaker.–The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival by John Bagot Glubb
16 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

Ithought the trip to town today would be quick. However, I didn’t expect the lens in my glasses to pop out while at Fry's getting groceries. I was down on hands and knees looking for it with 2-3 others helping. A woman finally found it in my shopping cart where I had looked before but couldn’t see it.
That took some time but even more time was spent at Wal*Mart waiting for the glasses guy to finish working on a pair of glasses. The fix for mine took perhaps two minutes at the most.
I had breakfast at the Landmark and then picked up three packages at my UPS Store. The most important was the drop in stove top. I now have all that is required for the countertop project except the countertop which I am hoping the guy that said he would do the work will provide — or tell me what to buy.
17 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

It is the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that is being used in Israel. This mild side effect is being reported by many websites but not by the mainstream media in the USA. I don’t think I want the vaccine, thank you very much.
Some 13 people have experienced mild facial paralysis as a side effect after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, the Health Ministry reported, and estimates are that the number of cases could be higher. Health officials have raised questions about whether or not to administer the second dose to these individuals, but the Health Ministry is recommending that the second dose be given.–13 Israelis Suffer Facial Paralysis After Coronavirus Vaccine, Jerusalem Post StaffI’ll not be doing much of anything today. More reading time on my Fire 8 is all that is planned.
Given the entrenched nature of the political/economic and cultural cleavages in the Republic[the USA], conflict now seems inevitable. How this will play out seems moot but there is surely “Something…rotten in the State of Denmark.”
From a fixation with its external enemies in the communist bloc — American foreign policy since the1950s — the United States has now decided to open a second (home) front against its internal enemies, the deplorables. It should be borne in mind, however, that wars on two fronts are rarely successful…
The West’s assumptions of superiority and even divine right, of course does not go down at all well with the developing world (and China which should now be considered as being developed). The historical West’s powers-that-be want everything to stop as if it was still in 1945 — with them still in charge. Their rationale for this being the time-honoured TINA which now dominates the West’s ultra-conservative outlook. The current international regime as inherited from being virtually unchanged since WW2 no longer corresponds to the economic realities. But the West still controls the institutions of economic stewardships the IMF, WTO/WB BIS OECD, and financial literature and the global reserve currency — the US$. Trouble seems to be shaping up.
Somehow, something has got to give.–The American Brumaire, Francis Lee for the Saker Blog
18 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

I keep reading that president elect Biden and the Democrats want “unity” and to “heal” the divisions in our country. This after doing everything they could to divide it for four years. The mainstream media has even got this wrong what the Democrats are saying is they want the people in this country to HEEL.
Is this an example of what the next four years are going to bring? There are 25,000 troops at the U.S. Capitol to install the Biden administration. Why do you need armed soldiers at the inauguration of the “most popular Presidential candidate in American history after the most secure election in history?”
The death toll from the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in Norway has been increased by another 6 since the last report. It is small comfort that Pfizer finds the 29 deaths to be not alarming and in line with expectations. Note: I have added the bold type. I thank you but I don’t want the vaccine.
“There are 13 deaths that have been assessed, and we are aware of another 16 deaths that are currently being assessed,” the agency [Norwegian Medicines Agency] said. All the reported deaths related to “elderly people with serious basic disorders,” it said. “Most people have experienced the expected side effects of the vaccine, such as nausea and vomiting, fever, local reactions at the injection site, and worsening of their underlying condition.”…
The agency found that “the number of incidents so far is not alarming, and in line with expectations,” Pfizer said.–Norway warns of vaccination risks for elderly sick patients after 29 die, Bloomberg
19 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

Ididn’t wear my wool scarf this morning and wore my gloves rather than mittens. The low was 38° which is the warmest morning that I have had since 10 December 2020. If the forecast is right tomorrow morning will be even warmer but maybe with rain.
I have garbanzos cooking in the Thermal Cooker this morning. Will add yellow split peas later today and then let that cook overnight in the Cooker. That and more reading on Fire 8 will fill my day with activities.
Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.–Politics and the English Language, George Orwell
No quote, just a link to a thought provoking article. The author does not think Josh Hawley, the careful student of Teddy Roosevelt, shows skill and ambition but little by way of electability & Ted Cruz is still Ted Cruz. But does think that a Bull Moose Party, with a bull moose to lead it, is needed in 2024. I agree.
A great Meme.
Sources say that Ghostbusters have been deployed to Washington D. C. in case all the dead people that voted for Biden become violent.
20 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The coffee I ordered on 15 January from Old Bisbee Roasters was delivered to my UPS Store on the 19th by United States Postal Service. I wrote about when mailing something from Springerville to Show Low that it goes to Phoenix and is then sent back to Show Low. There is a similar routing from Bisbee to Sierra Vista; it goes to Tucson and then back.
Gas and sorting equipment are cheaper than hiring humans. This will all change by the end of the 21st century if Greer and Kunstler are right about how the future is going to shake out.
In the summer of 1862, a group of young artists led by the passionate and talented Edward Radcliffe descends upon Birchwood Manor on the banks of the Upper Thames. Their plan: to spend a secluded summer month in a haze of inspiration and creativity. But by the time their stay is over, one woman has been shot dead while another has disappeared; a priceless heirloom is missing; and Edward Radcliffe’s life is in ruins.
Why does Birchwood Manor feel so familiar to Elodie? And who is the beautiful woman in the photograph? Will she ever give up her secrets?–Book promo @ goodreads.com
This brings us to America’s First Revolution now unfolding. How did it come about? It came about because decades of liberal assaults in the name of one “progressive cause” or another destroyed the structure of beliefs that define the United States. Today we can see with our own eyes, if we open them, that there is no longer any such thing as academic freedom, free speech, freedom of association, privacy, due process. People are fired from their jobs and sentenced to economic peril for merely expressing their opinions or attending the wrong rally or using disapproved pronouns. Those who insist on electoral integrity, the basis of democracy, are demonized as “enemies of democracy.” Legislation is pending that will be used to define any dissent from controlled Establishment explanations as subversion.…Happy Days Are Here Again! The former president Trump is gone and the Joe and Kammy Regime has been crowned. All the problems that the United(sic) States has suffered these past four years will now fade away. We will be living in a Banana Republic Utopia that thinks it is an Empire that rules the world. It is going to be grand.
It is this destruction of belief that constitutes the First American Revolution. The consequences are yet to be fully felt.–Ameria’s First Revolution Is Happening Now, Paul Craig Roberts
During the 2000s, I came face to face with Baghdad’s Green Zone multiple times. I always stayed, and worked, in the hyper-volatile Red Zone — as you may check in my 2007 book Red Zone Blues.
We knew then that blowback would be inevitable.
But still, we could never have imagined such a graphic simulacrum: the Green Zone fully replicated in the heart of imperial D.C. — complete with walls, barbed wire, multiple checkpoints, heavily armed guards.…
The Blue Zone is now “protected” by a massive 26,000 plus troop surge — way more than Afghanistan and Iraq combined.…
Just like an ordinary Iraqi was not allowed inside the Green Zone, no ordinary American is allowed inside the Blue Zone.–Baghdad on the Potomac: Welcome to the Blue Zone, By Pepe Escobar, exclusively for the Saker Blog
21 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The past couple of days have been rainy. Both of the last two afternoon walks were shortened by rain and/or the threat of more rain. This morning when I got up I could hear it raining so we delayed our start by about 20 minutes. Went out into a mist and some light rain and almost did our full walk but got wet and did cut it a little short.
Got the pottage cooked and distilled more water during these rainy days. Have also cleared my Fire 8 of all the books that I have been reading. The novel and some nonfiction that I was also reading off and on. I now have a new novel started and one other nonfiction book. I’ll try to keep it that way, just one of each.
You think the disdain for “deplorables” was bad during the four years of Trump presidency? You haven’t seen nothing yet — hold my beer.
Disdain for the “deplorables” united and energized parts of American society that, apart from their profitable material connections to government, have nothing in common and often have diverging interests. That hate, that determination to feel superior to the “deplorables” by treading upon them, is the “intersectionality,” the glue that binds, say, Wall Street coupon-clippers, folks in the media, officials of public service unions, gender studies professors, all manner of administrators, radical feminists, race and ethnic activists, and so on. #TheResistance grew by awakening these groups to the powers and privileges to which they imagine their superior worth entitles them, to their hate for anyone who does not submit preemptively.–Clarity in Trump’s Wake, Angelo Codevilla
I ❤ puns.
I had a happy childhood. My father would put me in tires and roll me down hills. Those were Goodyears.
Fun fact:
Humans are deuterostomes,which means that when they develop in the womb the anus forms before any other opening. Which basically means at one point you were nothing but an asshole.
Some people never develop beyond this stage
22 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: January 22, 1933
I think this was my last shopping trip from Naco to Sierra Vista. The next time I go shopping there I’ll drive less than half the distance. Started the morning with a walk that didn’t include getting rained on and was able to do the usual distance.
Breakfast was at Café Olé where I got their Garden Omelet without cheese. That will now be my regular order there. Stopped at my UPS Store and picked up the coffee from Old Bisbee Roasters. Also received an ammo order for a caliber that has been Out Of Stock everywhere for months. Now if the SHTF I have something to shoot or something to trade for food. Last shopping stop was at Fry's to get groceries and fill Desperaddo’s tank with gas. Then stopped at D & J RV Center and dropped off the stove hood that will be the replacement on 12 February.
Czech explores the psychological underpinnings of our consumer culture by synthesizing theories of Charles Darwin, Thorstein Veblen, and Abraham Maslow. Speaking to ordinary American citizens, he urges us to recognize conspicuous consumers for who they are—bad citizens who are liquidating our grandkids’ future. Combining insights from economics, psychology, and ecology with a large dose of common sense, Czech drafts a blueprint for a more satisfying and sustainable society. His ideas reach deeply into our everyday lives as he asks us to re-examine our perspectives on everything from our shopping habits to romance.
From his perspective as a wildlife ecologist, Czech draws revealing parallels between the economy of nature and the human economy. His style is lively, easy to read, humorous, and bound to be controversial. Czech will provoke all of us to ask when we will stop the runaway train of economic growth. His book answers the question, “How do we do it?”
I have quoted the closing paragraph from another good article by The Saker. A recommended read.
We cannot predict what will happen next, there are simply too many variables to do that. But what we can do is predict with a great degree of confidence that the new regime in power in DC will do no better than all the other regimes which came to power by means of color revolutions in the past couple of decades. There is no hope left for the Empire, as for the USA, there will be plenty of hope left for them, but only after a long and painful process of collapse and rebirth (both of which are inevitable by now). The truth is that [the] US is not that unique as empires go, sorry, it is just your typical arrogant and narcissistic empire which will collapse just as all the other arrogant and narcissistic empires in history have collapsed, mostly under their own obscene weight. And those poor souls who sincerely believe that China (or Russia) want to replace the USA simply don’t understand that these two countries already have been empires, it was a disaster, thank you very much, and they have no desire to repeat their past mistakes. This desire for non-exceptionalism and normalcy will, with time, also become the object of a large social consensus in the USA. And, with time, the USA will finally be welcomed into a truly free Zone B or, should I say, a Zone-free world.–Zone B exists, thus there is hope, I promise you!, The Saker
23 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The low this morning was 41° with the expected high to be 53. That is the highest temperature that the weather guessers expect during the next four days. Tomorrow it is going to rain and snow, the same for Monday, snow and a high of 34 on Tuesday and the low Wednesday to be 15. Not a pleasing forecast.
I need to get out there and do tank dumps and most importantly add fresh water. I don't want to be doing it during the weather that is being forecast. The only other thing of importance that I have going is cooking more succatach in the Thermal Cooker; that will be ready tomorrow. There are books on Fire 8 to be read as usual.
Nothing else is resolved about the national drift toward the Niagara of woe just downstream of here. Mr. Biden couldn’t have asked for trouble more loudly on Day One than by shutting down deportations of foreign nationals here illegally and signaling an open borders policy. The legions of newly unemployed and financially ruined US small business owners and workers may take a dim view of that. Rent and mortgage moratoria are extended as far ahead as June, as if landlords and mortgage-lenders don’t need to be paid to keep the banking system running. The new president has promised further, and even more severe, Covid-19 lockdowns. The Democratic Party apparently wants to utterly destroy what’s left of the real on-the-ground economy. No incoming US president has gotten off to a more feckless and ill-fated start.–Rough Ridin’ with Biden, James Howard KunstlerWhy Donald Trump Had to Go, by Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog is a recommended read. President Biden is “all in” to do the bidding of the Great Reset whereas former president Trump wouldn’t. We are going to be living in interesting times for the next four years.
How can we possibly come together when [it] appears as though CNN is leading the charge … to silence Fox, Newsmax, OAN, probably you, us, all of talk radio. How can we possibly unite?…
We’re not gonna unite. It’s all nonsense.… Even if they generally mean it, they don’t change Washington, Washington changes them. And Joe Biden is Washington — he’s been there for 50 years.…
Unify behind my agenda’ is not a real call for unity.– Megan Kelly on Glenn TV
24 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The low this morning was 40° with the expected high to be only 41. There was wind that made it feel a little colder and it was blowing in rain. I got a little damp but it looked very threatening and the forecast is for rain and snow today so our afternoon walk may get rained out. Raining now as I write this.
I’ll just keep the Wave 6 working and stay close to it. Probably finish the novel that I have been reading and download another one. The nonfiction book is also being read off and on but not near completion.
That is all I have to say today.
25 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The high temperature yesterday was 50° but only 46 when we went out for our walk. It then got colder while we were out there but with the wind blowing it was colder yet. Just avoided getting wet by 5 minutes with rain and snow coming at us for the last 10-15 minutes of the walk.
This morning the low was 33° with very little wind. A lot of clouds but they broke enough that I could see a light dusting of snow on Sierra San José that rises to 7,510’ about 5-6 miles south southwest of me. The snow level looks like it came down to about the 5,250’ level or 500’ above me.
More rain and snow today and tomorrow with the high today expected to be 40°, tomorrow 33 and Wednesday morning the low to be 16. There is now some winter here in sunny Cochise County.
Two warring kings.
A destiny he didn’t choose…
England is in turmoil as Vikings and Saxons battle for territory. Rumours build about the fatal sickness of the King, and the country awaits an heir.
Uhtred’s sword will leave one king dead and the other victorious. But sometimes it is hard to know the will of the gods…–Book pomo @ goodreads.com
The useful idiots are no longer useful.
There has been a purge of left-wing accounts from social media, with socialist organizations being targeted on Facebook and multiple Antifa-associated accounts suspended from Twitter.
“We have just confirmed that Facebook has disabled the page of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality at the University of Michigan, as well as the accounts of all admins,” World Socialist Website editor tweeted today. “This is an unprecedented attack on the speech rights of an official campus student group.”
This follows a mass purge of right-wing accounts in the wake of the Capitol riot earlier this month, a swing-back of the censorship pendulum that surprises nobody who knows anything about anything. That purge was broadly supported by shitlibs and a surprisingly large percentage of the true left, despite the overwhelming and growing pile of evidence that it is impossible to consent to internet censorship for other ideologies without consenting to censorship for your own.–The Pendulum Of Internet Censorship Swings Leftward Again, Caitlin Johnstone
26 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

I’m not sure what the low was this morning but it was below freezing and we had snow on the ground. Patches was rather hesitant to step out of Desperado into 6” of it on the top step but she did and then had no problem doing our shortened walk. We did only a mile out and back in 3-4” of snow, uphill both ways.
Today Tue 01/26 High 33°
Snow likely. Winds WSW at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of snow 70%. Snow accumulating 1 to 3 inches. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
There is a chance we will not be doing an afternoon walk. Or if we do it could be during a blizzard.
I think I said that Happy Days Were Here Again and now have someone else confirming that.
Isn’t it amazing how all of the lockdowns can now be lifted now that Donald Trump is no longer president? It has been less than a week since Joe Biden was inaugurated, and COVID restrictions are being ended in Michigan, Chicago, California and New York. What an odd coincidence, eh? Now that Democrats are running everything, it turns out that there is no longer any need for such fear-based control mechanisms. At this point, we are being told that happy days are here again and that the next four years are going to be just great.–It’s Like Magic! Lockdowns Are Ending All Over America Just Days After Biden’s Inauguration…,
Jules Verne in 1883 foretold what the United (sic) States would be like almost 150 years later in this fictional conversation. Quoted from his book Robur the Conqueror.
“And what would you have done, if you had had the honor?” demanded Uncle Prudent.
“I would have stopped the insulter before he had opened his mouth.”
“It seems to me it would have been impossible to stop him until he had opened his mouth,” replied Uncle Prudent.
“Not in America, Sir; not in America.”
I have not quoted from the article, Flying Blind, but James Howard Kunstler’s posting is good as well as a good summary of his book The Long Emergency.
27 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

The low this morning was 15° but that happened in the early hours. It was only about 17 while we were out doing our walk. The wind chill was the same fortunately because it was dead calm but I still cut the walk short by about 15 minutes because the cold was cutting through my wool capote and upper thermals.
I got up at 4:00 and fired up the Wave 6. That was probably too late to keep the water lines from freezing inside Desperado although they may be frozen in the basement. Patches’ water dish wasn't frozen so most likely the basement. The Wave generates a lot of water vapor which condenses on the inside of the windows. That condensation was all frozen. If the forecast is right the water lines should thaw by noon.
I could have quoted almost any paragraph from this article, they are all good. I suggest that you read it.
The Democrats want you to believe that 1/6 was a coup, a rebellion, a putsch, an overthrow of a legitimate government. It is unclear how you claim to be a legitimate government, of the people, by the people, for the people, when each year the elites get more and more wealthy and ordinary folk are driven into poverty and then laughed at. Called Deplorables. Despicables. Traitors. Insurrectionists. Domestic Terrorists. Refused airline travel because of their political views. Refused legal counsel because of their political views. Have their employment threatened because of their political views. Have their insurance contracts revoked because of their political views. Have their communications media cancelled because of their political views. Put on watch lists because of their political views. Labelled as American ISIS for their political views. Al Qaeda in America. Bin Laden’s corpse is adrift in the Arabian Sea but he is winning.–American Prospect, Sushi for the Saker Blog
28 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

I only thought that last week was my last trip to Sierra Vista. That is what I get for thinking.
The freeze yesterday morning destroyed my water manifold so I now have no water. Drove to D & J RV Center this morning to have them look at what they built for me about 10 years ago. Wanted them to build me another one. I lucked out; they removed the destroyed manifold and maybe I’ll get a replacement built and installed soon. Meanwhile I live out of a bucket, no running water.
I think the Park’s electrical system is what lead to the destruction. But in fairness it may also have happened even if the basement heater had been working.
When I got back to my space I checked the 110v outlet that I was plugged into for the basement heat. No power, it is a GFI outlet and it had tripped off. I’m going to test it for the next few days and see if it does it again.
Before the RV Center I stopped at the Country House and got a veggie omelet for breakfast. Then after my visit at the RV shop I went to Fry's and got groceries for the week. Back to my space in the Park at Naco until 1 February then move to my next camp which will make trips to Sierra Vista shorter and more often.
I have an eye exam at the VA scheduled, range hood replacement scheduled and water manifold replacement to be done plus my usual weekly shopping trips.
We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.
It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries. –– David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then – Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle)
This quote is from a very long article that ‘rabbles’ over multiple topics. Some of what the author has to say is of the conspiracy genre but much of what he says has supporting links. I think he is right about this.
The 2008 debacle in the US was generally described as a financial crisis, but it was really part of the class war, meant to deprive as many Americans as possible of their homes to make them more docile and more easily governed. The huge bubble in 2008 in ‘subprime’ home loans was immediately repeated with automobiles in precisely the same way, these loans securitised then diced and sliced while being given AAA ratings by Moodys. Today, the ratio of delinquent auto loans is approaching a crisis point and will undoubtedly soon implode, depriving millions of Americans of their only hope of holding any employment since a car is virtually a necessity in much of the US. In 2008, most of the US middle class was unceremoniously dumped into the lower class, all signs seeming to indicate a repeat on the horizon. – Larry Romanoff
29 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: January 29, 1933
I could not open any web pages with Fire 10 this morning although it was showing that I was connected to WIFI. Went to the Toshiba and was able to connect to My Drive but could not connect to the same pages that would not open with Fire 10. I think the screen on the Toshiba is about to die but shut down and restarted my Verizon MIFI and everything then worked. So I have computer problems as well as not having running water.
In his prophetic book “Blowback,” published before 9/11, Chalmers Johnson warned that our secret operations in Iraq and elsewhere around the globe would exact a price at home. Now, in a brilliant series of essays written over the last three years, Johnson measures that price and the resulting dangers America faces. Our reliance on Pentagon economics, a global empire of bases, and war without end is, he declares, nothing short of “a suicide option.”
I hope the short squeeze on silver happens; I’ll just go along for the ride.
After sending GameStop, AMC and other beleaguered stocks into the stratosphere, now investors on Reddit are talking about going after a really huge whale.
The silver market is perfectly primed for an epic short squeeze, and a coordinated assault by retail investors could make it happen.…
[T]he post on the “WallStreetBets” Reddit subgroup.Now Reddit Investors Are Talking About Targeting Silver, And That Could Change EVERYTHING, Michael Snyder
30 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

I got started on my usual month end chores yesterday. Prepared another month of Will Rogers weekly articles. I also checked my propane tank level and found that I was sitting on empty.
The Park here sells propane but the ‘manager’ is never available when you want him. I was going to check to see if he was here as I drove out on my way to get some propane in South Bisbee or Palpminas and found that he was back. Saved me a trip but expensive propane.
I’ll be cleaning the bathroom and washing the floor sometime this morning when it warms up some. The morning low was 29° which should have activated the thermal switch that I have been using for my basement heater system. It didn’t so the thermal switch may have been, or part of, the problem that caused my water manifold to be destroyed.
Today liberals want to silence and even to arrest everyone who disagrees with them. Social media deplatform and cancel all who step outside official explanations, even experts, members of Congress, and the President of the United States. Amazon, Apple, and Google force alternative social media out of existence by denying service. Americans lose their jobs for being Trump supporters and even for using gender pronouns unapproved by woke idiots.…
This is the Western world today. Who is left to defend it? To die for it? And what is it? The values are gone. The belief system is dissolved. Propaganda focuses us on Russians, Chinese, and Iranians. The real threats to our existence are in charge of our life. We live in the Matrix of their self-serving lies.
Clear evidence that liberals have created a new Dark Age is the demand of Harvard students that the university revoke the degrees of Trump supporters. All reason has departed university life. Reason is replaced with blind hate. Emotion rules. Truth-tellers are “enemies of the people.”–God Save Us From The Educated Youth, Paul Craig Roberts
31 January 2021
Bisbee RV Park
Naco, AZ

Iam just about ready to leave for my next camp. It will not be much of a distance move but just being in a new place is always something I look forward to.
I plan on getting there by driving a long way around just to travel a couple roads I have not been on before or roads that I have not driven for a few years.
The challenge in this era of globalization—for countries and individuals—is to find a healthy balance between preserving a sense of identity, home and community [Olive Tree] and doing what it takes to survive within the globalization system [Lexus]. Any society that wants to thrive economically today must constantly be trying to build a better Lexus and driving it out into the world. But no one should have any illusions that merely participating in this global economy will make a society healthy. If that participation comes at the price of a country’s identity, if individuals feel their olive tree roots crushed, or washed out, by this global system, those olive tree roots will rebel. They will rise up and strangle the process. Therefore the survival of globalization as a system will depend, in part, on how well all of us strike this balance. A country without healthy olive trees will never feel rooted or secure enough to open up fully to the world and reach out into it. But a country that is only olive trees, that is only roots, and has no Lexus, will never go, or grow, very far. Keeping the two in balance is a constant struggle.–The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization, Thomas L. Friedman
I think just the threat to purchase physical bullion has raised the price of silver this past week. If the “hordes of young low net worth traders” get serious then there will be an increase just like when the Hunts tried to corner the silver market in the late 1970s. We do live in interesting times.
CME Group defeated the Hunt brothers by instituting Silver Rule 7 which limited the dollar amount of physical silver that an individual investor could buy. But how will that stop the hordes of young low net worth traders who are now telling one another to purchase physical bullion and intentionally strain the rigged silver market?
This arcane financial system is doomed to fail because it is based on ever-higher and more unstable abstractions of underlying wealth: CDOs squared and cubed, dark pool derivatives markets totaling trillions of dollars, and so on: all of which depends on the financial sector sucking as much money as possible out of a shrinking global economy through securitization. Now that people are demanding the underlying assets themselves, change is beginning.
What an interesting timeline: where Russia and unemployed youths have come to the same conclusion for how to defeat the banks.–What Wall Street Fears, The Ister for the Saker Blog