1 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: July 1, 1928Hecla moved above $5 yesterday for the first time since 19 February 2013. That means that the stock is marginable once more and can also be sold 'short'. Stocks that trade below $5 are not eligible for either and that is where Hecla has been for the past 3 years.
I got in a great afternoon walk also. It was mostly cloudy so I had cloud shade most of the time. The temperature was about 76° and I timed it such that I got only a few sprinkles during the last couple of blocks.
It was then raining every time I woke up, got up, during the night as it was when I woke up at 5:00 this morning. It stopped about 10 minutes before I got up and looked like it was clearing in the west. Stayed dry for the first 3/4 of a mile but then got very damp before I could make it back to Desperado. It did quit after it dampened me down so I continued on to make the walk a 2.5 mile one not knowing what this afternoon might bring.
The Follett book that I had on Hold at the Sierra Vista library became available and I have downloaded it. I now have two books borrowed from there that have time limits on them so I need to get busy reading as well as messing with my drawings.
This is the line drawing, or base, for three colored Eight-Fold Rosette in a Rectangle drawings that I'll be posting over the next three days.
I am making fairly good progress on the north transept rose window at the cathedral of Chartres. This is the sole subject and only drawing from the latest Lesson but it is a big project. Big in the number of shapes that need to be drawn and filled with color but also needs to be bigger in size than I have drawn it. I'm not going to go back and try to increase the size now that I am well into drawing it however.
2 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

I got rained on again yesterday afternoon. Not as hard as in the morning but it started at the about the same distance from Desperado and kept it up until I got back. It rained off and on all day with me leaving on my walks during the off and getting caught in the on both times.
This morning I woke up a little before 5:00 and it was raining HARD (.26' yesterday and .49" so far today). It continued to do that until about 5:45 when it slacked off and I decided to get up. I tried some reverse psychology by going out in the rain prepared; had my rain coat and umbrella. It was not raining too hard but became harder the longer I was out in it - the psychology was not working. There was also lots of standing water or mud that I had to confront so the walk was called and I'm taking a rain induced rest day.
The first of three colored Eight-Fold Rosette in a Rectangle drawings is only black and white but required as much coding as any other colors. The next two will be more colorful.
I finished the north transept rose window at the cathedral of Chartres. It is looking good and very much like what is shown in the Lesson except I drew it smaller. I'll post it soon.
Democratic Rep. John Lewis was applauded by the Lame Stream Media for staging a “sit-in” at the House of Representatives that calls for a law barring people on the federal no-fly list from purchasing guns. He was erroneously put on the no-fly list and had to fight to get his name removed; he now wants to use it to restrict gun ownership for U.S. citizens. What chance do you think a 'citizen' would have getting off the list once placed on it?
It is simply another 'law' that can be used by who ever controls the Federal Government Executive Branch. The Democrats think they can keep that control and there are Republicans that want the 'law' because they see the day when they can use it to reward their friends and punish their enemies.
No-Fly List Gun Control – Denying Citizen Rights Without Due Process by Richard Larsen is a good article that explains this.
3 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

It rain again off an on all day yesterday. It would come down by the bucket full for 15 minutes or so and then the sun would try to make an appearance. I tried to do a walk during one of those in between spells and got wet again before doing a hasty retreat to Desperado. The total measured rain for yesterday was 0.85" which is a lot for Dolores that averages 1.40" during the month of July. The storm these past two days has brought 1.19" and the month is just getting started.
It was almost clear this morning and I was able to do a dry walk. Then it was off to Cortez and shopping at City Market before breakfast (thought I would break up the routine - HA). No Greek God Honey Vanilla in the dairy case and when I got someone to go in the back they could not find any there either. Note to whoever is ordering: you have a dozen Honey Strawberry in the case and are sold out of Honey Vanilla.
Then it was time for breakfast at Jack and Janelle's Country Kitchen. They open at 6:30 so I had to go there at least once while I was in the area. The menu is not very extensive but they had a Southwest Scramble that was good, the coffee was good and the service was excellent. I'll be going back.
Dumped holding tanks on my way back into the Park. I won't even think about trying to stretch the time between dumps to more than two shopping trips. The fresh water tank is still showing 3/4 full but I know that is wrong although I did fill it to overflowing last time - I probably have a little over 1/4 tank. Did not fill it today, will wait for the idiot light to claim I have a 1/4 tank.
The second of three colored Eight-Fold Rosette in a Rectangle drawings.
I have finished one drawing from the Celtic Grid Lesson which only has 5. I probably will not draw the last one but do plan on trying to do something original of my own using the grid. When I say 'using' what I can do is look at the grid to get the relative size and position of what I want to draw - I can not use the grid as it is used in the lesson.
I have also started another of the 2-uniform tilings which I should have finished in another day or two. That and reading the two books that I now have on loan from the Sierra Vista library fill my days.
Islamist militants kill 20 in Bangladesh before commandos end siege a story on Yahoo! News. How could this be possible?
In Bangladesh, the law requires that a record of the acquisition, possession and transfer of each privately held firearm be retained in an official register. In Bangladesh, authorities maintain a record of individual civilians licensed to acquire, possess, sell or transfer a firearm or ammunition. An applicant for a firearm license in Bangladesh must pass a background check which considers undefined records.
With all those gun control laws in place there were still seven Islamist militants armed with firearms, 'sharp weapons' (machete ) and they even had grenades. I could not find the Bangladesh law but I would be willing to bet that there is one that designated the restaurant a 'gun free zone' and the militants broke that law as well.
4 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Just got slightly damp yesterday afternoon. I was able to take shelter until the stray cloud that was sprinkling on me passed on its way. One of those days where I'm walking in full sun and getting rained on.
Back to clear skies this morning and a very nice 50° to walk in. I think the monsoon has arrived and most of my days will be like this for the next couple of months. Very nice in the mornings and then an ongoing problem of dodging afternoon rain.
I had a east side neighbor arrive on Friday in a converted school bus. Not much has been done to the exterior and I have not seen inside but there is an exterior water inlet, it is wired for shore power and has a generator. They have not hooked up to the Park sewer but I do see that there is a pipe being carried to do so. I have not talked to the couple but they appear to be in their late 20s maybe early 30s. Very quiet, as has been the entire park this July 4th Holiday.
The third, and last, of the colored Eight-Fold Rosette in a Rectangle drawings.
I have finished one drawing from the Celtic Grid Lesson which only has 5. I probably will not draw the last one but do plan on trying to do something original of my own using the grid. When I say 'using' what I can do is look at the grid to get the relative size and position of what I want to draw - I can not use the grid as it is used in the lesson.
5 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

It became even quieter yesterday afternoon when my neighbors on both sides of me left. The 'tribe' that lives in front of me were gone until in the afternoon which has helped a lot to make it quiet. They are not so bad that it was noisy when they did return. They had some crumb snatchers visiting last week that did not appear to have come back with them so that is good.
I am having a very difficult time getting a response from by broker. I attempted to check my account online and failed the security questions and now can not access anything online. It tells me to contact my broker and he does not respond. This may be the time to start looking at a transfer of my account to someone in AZ. I have moved everything else but have left the brokerage account in NV.
Other than that my day has been going fairly well. Nice cool morning walk after being able to do one yesterday afternoon without getting wet. Some of the simple pleasures in life.
This is another 2-uniform tiling that uses the and has added a 3.42.6 which gives it a different look.
Of the twenty 2-uniform tile I think there is one more that uses the then it gets even more complicated from the looks of the rest of the tilings.
LGBT gun group membership spikes after Orlando nightclub shooting is a story that is going to cause all kinds of angst for the liberal gun control crowd. A group that they could count on to support gun control is arming up - O No! I was pleased to see that Mr. Mogilefsky had the same opinions that I did.
Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah is another pro-gun LGBT group. "As awful as Orlando is, I feel like this is a huge eye-opener for a lot of people that the world is not a perfect place, especially for a group that's at risk for this kind of violence," said Scott Mogilefsky, the group's president and an Army veteran. There was an increase in people inquiring with the group after Orlando, he said.But have no fear President Obama will protect the LGBT 'folks'. Not just here in the good 'ol US of A either; Obama writes to Xulhaz family . He sent a personal letter to the family of a LGBT activist in Bangladesh but issues one of his milk toast statements when a American citizen is killed there.
"Security should be armed at all gay nightclubs, and all employees should run through a defensive shooting course once a year," Mogilefsky said. "When you think about supremacist groups, a gay bar is an easy target. And the shooter knew that. It was like shooting fish in a barrel."
He didn't even issue a statement when 13-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel was stabbed to death in her bed in Kiryat Arba, Israel. He handed that honor off to State Department spokesperson John Kirby, White House Silent on Terrorist Murder of 13-year-old American Girl
6 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

I finally did get a response from my broker office. One email said that I no longer have an account with them since I moved to Arizona from Nevada. The other email reactivated my online account that shows that my account is with their brokerage as it always has been.
I asked for clarification but suspect it will be a long time in coming. About six months after I provided them with an Arizona address I did receive an email that indicated that they did not know if they could do business in Arizona. I never heard from them again and never followed up but I am guessing that is what is meant by the first email - I no longer have an account that they can trade. It is frozen so to speak on their books. Maybe?
To fix the problem I have contacted a brokerage that is nation wide with an office in Tucson. I am not impressed with their response time either - no reply as of this morning. I can understand why my old broker does not want to talk to me but I am trying to give the new brokerage some new business and they don't want to communicate either. That I do not understand.
The War That Came Early is a six-volume alternate history series by Harry Turtledove, in which World War II begins in 1938. Hitler's War being Book One in the series. He follows the same pattern as was used in the previous three books of his that I have read. A lot of characters which he 'visits' in almost every chapter where he tells the story from their point of view. This makes for a somewhat disjointed story for each character but the overall story hangs together well. I will now be reading some historical fiction by Follett that is placed in this same time period. Still fiction but not the alternative historical fiction of Turtledove.
Alternate historian Turtledove (The Man with the Iron Heart) brings the deprivations of war to life in this vision of a very different WWII. After Konrad Henlein is assassinated in Czechoslovakia in 1938, France and England refuse to condone Hitler's plans for annexation, so he invades instead. American Peggy Druce, caught behind the lines, gets a firsthand look at the period military hardware and nationalistic mindsets that Turtledove so expertly describes, though readers looking for more characterization or plotting may be disappointed. Action in the Spanish Civil War and on the Mongolian border muddy the waters, possibly setting up for a clearer plot in subsequent volumes. Until Turtledove reveals more of the direction this scenario will take, there is little to differentiate it from many of his other novels. - Publishers Weekly
7 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

The communication that I had with my brokerage had a strange twist. First, my former broker simply responded "When you moved out of Nevada your account was also. You do not have an account with us any longer." His secretary, or administrative assistant, responded to my request to give me access to my on line account. Her last name is the same as my mother's maiden name and I asked her if she had relatives from southeastern Arizona.
I am not 100% certain because she does not know her husband's genealogy but she did know that her husband's father was from Arizona. I am reasonably sure that she is my first cousin by marriage once removed, or maybe that is first cousin once removed by marriage. This is the relationship spelled out; she is married to the son of my uncle's son (my cousin) on my mother's side of the family.
She has also given me the name of my broker and a telephone number (which I have little desire to use). I think he is in the brokerage's main office in California and he supposedly is certified as a financial advisor in Arizona. I think I will still transfer my account IF I can ever get the attention of someone at the 'new' brokerage although I am not impressed so far.
This is what the Lesson described as a geometer's dream, one of the famous rose windows in the cathedral of Chartres. This one is referred to as the north transept rose window but also known by it subject matter: The Glorification of the Virgin.
It was not as difficult to draw as it might appear but it did take some time because there are so many pieces that needed to be individually drawn. It was a good test of what I was learning in the previous lessons, nothing new here but a chance to put it all together in one drawing.
Fred Reed has not written anything for some time that I thought was up to his previous standard. Well in his most recent posting he seems to have his mojo back; I recommend Ready: New Rossiter’s Universal Robots: Toward a Most Minimal Wage and won't even quote from it.
8 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: July 8, 1928The Bureau of Labor released their non-farm job numbers for June today that showed an increase of 287,000 jobs . All the expert analysts' estimates of 175,000 were blown away. Once again - So much for the expert analysts estimates.
I read through the News and did not find a lot of headlines by the Ministry of Propaganda all the headlines were focused on police blood in Dallas. If it bleeds it leads! The few that I found were focused on what is the Federal Reserve now going to do and how does this effect the election in November.
The CES Birth/Death Model added 92,000 this month which is 22,000 less than the adjustment made for June 2015. The adjustment did go down y-o-y compared to April and May which were both higher that in 2015. What few jobs were 'created' in May were ALL due to the CES Birth/Death adjustment as were the jobs increase in April. If you look at the Household Data the number of Employed increased by 67,000 which is not a very strong indication that the economy is booming.
The Unemployed increased by 347,000 with some of them coming back into the Labor Force and not finding jobs. They were probably part of the 191,000 decrease in the Not in the Labor Force. This combined to increase the Unemployment Rate by 0.2% to 4.9%.
The Participation Rate went up by 0.1% to 62.7% which was ignored again for the most part. The Not in the Labor Force now stands at 94,517,000, down from the all time record of 94,708,000 that was set last month.
The average earnings increased by 2¢ to $25.61 an hour while the average workweek remained unchanged at 34.4 hours. This may be good news for the Federal Reserve and give them cover if they raise rates again by another .25% claiming the bad job numbers in May were an aberration. Everything is Great!
‘Black Lives Matter’ supporters are celebrating last night’s Dallas sniper attack today on Tweeter. They believe that was a grand achievement and want to see more dead police. If they have declared war I am afraid they may have bit off more than they can chew.
President Obama has described the Dallas shootings as a "vicious, calculated, despicable attack". He then added what has become a cliché; "Anyone involved in the senseless murders will be held fully accountable. Justice will be done." I have not found that he has said anything about the shooters statement that he was "upset at white people and wanted to kill white people, especially white officers." I am sure that there will be a full federal investigation and it will be found that this was just another unfortunate case of workplace violence.
This drawing is my attempt to replicate the Celtic Motif from the Celtic Grid Lesson. I drew the grid and used it as a guide to help me do the drawing. In the lesson the grid is drawn as always and then selected lines are 'inked in' to show the pattern/drawing.
Tomorrow I will show another drawing that was inspired by this Lesson but is a creation of my own.
The FBI, Credibility, and Government by Scott Adams aka Dilbert. I think Dilbert is a pretty smart guy and what he says about the Comey decision makes more sense to me than all the others that I have read. I like what he has to say about the Supreme Court also - a recommended read!
Will Americans elect a 'congenital liar' president? by Patrick J. Buchanan says many of the same things as Dilbert. I have selected his closing to quote and something to contemplate the morning of November 9, 2016. America elected a congenital liar in 2008 and 2012 and the majority of Americans did not care, why would they care now?
If, knowing what we know of the congenital mendacity of Hillary Clinton, the nation chooses her as head of state and commander in chief, then that will tell us something about the America of 2016. And it will tell us something about the supposed superiority of democracy over other forms of government.
9 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Into Cortez on another shopping trip after my morning walk and breakfast. Went to That Place in Dolores and had their Scrambled Eggs-n-Sausage with hash browns, toast and good coffee. They were open at 6:30 but I sat waiting, along with 4 other guys, for 3-5 minutes before the waitress made an appearance.
I have been watching gas prices for the past couple of weeks and there is a station in Dolores that sometimes has a lower price than what I see everywhere in Cortez. Wanted to fill up and decided that I would do it in Cortez if cheaper this morning. The Giant station in Cortez was 3¢ less so I filled up there and then saw that it was another 2¢ cheaper at City Market which usually has the same price as Giant.
Got everything I wanted including Greek God Honey Vanilla. The guy that does the ordering must have read my posting of last week. HA
This is my drawing that was inspired by the Celtic Grid Lesson. Using what I learned to draw what was shown in the Lesson I was able to do this one. Good stuff!
Tomorrow I will show another drawing that was the only one in the Lotfallah Mosque Dome Lesson. The lessons are now becoming more and more about doing one big project/drawing.
I have very little to say about the Dallas shooting or the TN shooting. I do however have something to say about the Ministry of Propaganda reporting of same. CBS News online has a story about Dallas in which they described the weapon that Johnson used as a "SKS semi-automatic assault rifle".
First, I want to give them some kudos for not calling it an AR-15. However, the SKS is NOT an assault rifle - an assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle (i.e. has at least two firearm modes, which are activated by means of a selector). Furthermore, the SKS rifle is defined as a Curio & Relic rifle according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives regulation 27 CFR 178.11. CBS has a Narrative to present they are not a News organization.
10 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

At about this time I would usually start my housecleaning chores in preparation for moving to the next camp. But, I am staying here for another month. Alas that does not get me off the hook for doing household chores and I got started on them this morning. If my schedule holds I should be finished by tomorrow.
That is about the extent of what is happening here.
This is from a story about Dylann Roof and his mass shooting in Charleston (I have added the emphasis). No one had any difficulty in untangling what Roof's motive was - kill African-Americans/Blacks/Negros.
A website appearing to belong to accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof contains white supremacist writings and dozens of photographs in which he is seen holding firearms. It also offers a motive for the heinous crime, one of the most shocking multiple murders of recent years, in a nation familiar with mass shootings.This quote, that can be found all over the Internet, is what Micah Xavier Johnson said to explain (i.e. provide a motive) his killings, yet President Obama finds it is "very hard to untangle the motives". This is a man that his sycophants claim is the smartest man in the world and he can not untangle Micah Xavier Johnson's motive for the Dallas killings? Bring on Vice President Biden, it is clear that this President has lost his mental capacity and is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.
"He wanted to kill officers, and he expressed killing white people. He expressed killing white officers. He expressed anger for Black Lives Matter," Dallas Police Chief David Brown told reporters at a news conference just before 9 a.m. EDT.This is my drawing of the Lotfallah Mosque Dome done from the Lesson of that same name. I am now working on an Armenian Knot that is similar to the dome combined with a knot. It is much more complicated than either and measurably more difficult than either; knots are hard for me to do.

I may have a 2-uniform tileing ready to show tomorrow but not if I get all involved in doing the knot.
11 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

I finished my household chores this morning. Even washed the dog slobber off the side windows while I was cleaning the cab and dash of Desperado. I'm good for another month here.
It felt almost cold this morning with the low at 43°. The low has been in the 45 to 55° range for the past couple weeks usually at the high end of that range. The sun keeps coming up later and later also which means I will soon have to adjust what time I get up and start my walk. Not walking in the dark yet but soon will be.
This is the first 2-uniform tiling that includes a dodecagon, there will be two more to come soon.
I have done all that I can with the knot at this time. I just don't know enough to do it 'properly', maybe come back to it later if/ when I develop more skill. I will post what I was able to draw but it will not be what was shown in the Lesson. I am now working on the next Lesson which is a pattern from the Córdoba Synagogue in Spain.
12 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Since May9, 2014 the Research Team (a group of stock analyst) has issued 10 ratings in their Consensus Report for Hecla. None of the 10 have been Buy, they have been either Sell or Hold. From that starting date to now the rating was correct 4.3% of the time, and incorrect 95.7% of the time. So much for the 'experts'.
After sending 4-5 email to my potential new brokerage and not receiving a reply I found a Chat button on their web page. However, their Chat hours are between 8 and noon Central Time and I was too late yesterday. This morning when I clicked on the button I saw a message that there were no representatives available. Then while browsing through the web site I found another Chat button and this one connected me to a representative. We had a long Chat and maybe(?) I will get some further communication from the Tucson office. If I do not then I probably need to try some other brokerage.
This is my attempt to draw an Armenian Knot as show in the Geometric Design Lesson of that name. What I have posted is the best that I can do in replicating the cloisonné or stained-glass like treatment shown in the Lesson. I could not draw anything close to what is shown as the knot.
I have done all that I can with the knot at this time. I just don't know enough to do it 'properly', maybe come back to it later if/when I develop more skill. I will post what I was able to draw but it will not be what was shown in the Lesson. I am now working on the next Lesson which is a pattern from the Córdoba Synagogue in Spain.
When Will They Learn? by Jeff Thomas is a good article that I think is 'spot on' in describing what the future may be for good 'ol US of A. I recommend it!
So, what, then, would it take for the champions of collectivism to recognize that the “rule of the proletariat” is a false promise—one that is sold to the masses by political leaders in order to create totalitarianism?
Well, the answer, sad to say, is that it’s the nature of the proletariat in any country to prefer to believe that, somehow, there can be a great “equalisation,” in which the wealth is taken from the rich and redistributed to the poor. Although this will never occur (in truth, leaders both conservative and liberal exist for their own benefit, not for the benefit of the people they represent), it’s the nature of people to want to believe that there really is a tooth fairy and that political leaders will deliver on their impossible promises...Once the belief in collectivism tops 50% in any nation, odds are that the trajectory will continue downward for the lifetime of the observer.
13 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

A nothing much happening day for me to close out this first month in Dolores.
I have finished nothing from the Lesson that shows how to draw a pattern of the Synagogue wall in Córdoba Spain. I think I have done all the hard mental work and now it is just the grunt work of writing a lot of code for another 80-100 shapes. It is going to take me some time because this is now the boring part of doing the drawing. I'll break it up with more reading of the novel I have on the Paperwhite. I need to get busy with that before it is due to be returned to the Sierra Vista library.
When Will They Learn? by Jeff Thomas is a good article that I think is 'spot on' in describing what the future may be for good 'ol US of A. I recommend it!
So, what, then, would it take for the champions of collectivism to recognize that the “rule of the proletariat” is a false promise—one that is sold to the masses by political leaders in order to create totalitarianism?What if Whites Strike Back? by Mychal Massie is a must read article written by a African-American/Black/Negro. I quote only one very small part of the article.
Well, the answer, sad to say, is that it’s the nature of the proletariat in any country to prefer to believe that, somehow, there can be a great “equalisation,” in which the wealth is taken from the rich and redistributed to the poor. Although this will never occur (in truth, leaders both conservative and liberal exist for their own benefit, not for the benefit of the people they represent), it’s the nature of people to want to believe that there really is a tooth fairy and that political leaders will deliver on their impossible promises...Once the belief in collectivism tops 50% in any nation, odds are that the trajectory will continue downward for the lifetime of the observer.
This isn’t 1860 and it certainly isn’t 1955. There are no slaves in America and there are no Jim Crow laws dictating access based on skin color. Specific to that point it is time to remind people like Obama, Al Sharpton, and the New Black Panther Party that the racial discord they are fomenting can become the harbinger of their own peril.
Obama foments racial unrest and a racial divide to further his neo-Leninist agenda. Sharpton foments racial unrest for personal gain. The New Black Panther Party foments racial hostilities and the demonization of whites in the foolish belief they can bring about a Western version of apartheid where blacks rule.
14 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

I have made more progress on the Cordoba drawing than I thought I would. I might even finish it today or be close. I will be spending an unknown amount of time in Cortez tomorrow plus I have a couple of chores to do so probably will not be posting the drawing until Saturday or Sunday. I know you are breathless with anticipation. HA
In the past I have shown the drawings by including the coding in the postings. This one has required a LOT of code and I want to show two different images of the drawings so I'll be converting them to .png images before posting. Same drawings just a different digital format.
Obama and the most successful national subversion in world history by Lawrence Sellin tells it like it is in this article. He included this quote "We are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation." - Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008. Well we have changed, moved to that different place as a nation, been transformed - how do you like it so far?
Just as Islamists attempt to impose their religion on the world in a totalitarian fashion requiring unwavering obedience, so do radical leftists strive to create an omnipotent socialist state that will control every aspect of daily life and will enforce a universal brand of "social justice" on all mankind.
I will not mince words. The Democrat Party now represents, at least philosophically if not operationally, the American subsidiary of that alliance.
The Republican Party is dominated by globalists, obsessed with the acquisition of personal power and profit, and uninterested and willingly impotent in defending the rights, liberties and well-being of American citizens. The GOP leadership has solidified its choice to no longer represent what had been its constituency, but to adopt the identity of junior partners in the ruling class.
15 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: July 15, 1928I had a "busy" morning in Cortez after my walk and breakfast at the Ponderosa here in Dolores. I had the Sausage and Egg Special this morning that was not so special but it did come with coffee at a very special price. Anytime I can get breakfast plus tip for less than $10 I think it is Special.
Most of my 'busy' morning was spent sitting in the waiting area of AutoMasters where I took Desperado and her generator. It will not start nor run with out an infusion of gas directly into the carburetor. They tried for over an hour and then said they would have to take the carburetor off and clean it so I'll be going back next week to have it replaced.
I asked them to also check the seat belt light always ON problem and fix it IF it would not cost much. They said that it was the shoulder retention switch for when the air bags fire it would pull me back in the seat. They didn't say what it would cost to fix but after what I had told them I assumed it would not be cheap. On the way back to the Park I noticed the light was OFF. I will keep my fingers crossed that it has fixed itself.
Shopping at City Market was quick and easy. I got the last two containers of Greek God Honey Vanilla from the case but they were stocking so maybe there was more to be put up. I didn't say anything to the stocker - I got mine!
Dumped holding tanks on my way into the Park; will probably fill the fresh water tank later today or tomorrow morning. Then did some jockeying to get back into my space. My neighbor on the driver side was a space over but he moved next to me yesterday and has his truck parked bout 4' from me. The Park entry road is not all that wide so it took me some doing to get back into my space. The next time will be easier - maybe.
On 15 June I posted a comment and link to an article by Karl Denninger on how to survive a mass shooting. Active Shooters: When Violence is the Answer: “Denial and Hesitation Makes For A Soft Target” by Joe Alton, MD makes the same recommendations. He also brings up the same point that Mr. Denninger and I did - in Orlando during the three hours that the shooter was active NO ONE fought back.
Then on 26 June I commented and linked to an article (Only Politicians Need Firearms for Protection) by Joshua Krause. Well I found more evidence that Mr. Krause was correct. "The California state Senate voted 28-8 Wednesday to exempt itself from the pointless gun-control laws that apply to the rest of the populace. Legislators apparently think they alone are worthy to pack heat on the streets for personal protection, and the masses ought to wait until the police arrive."
Waiting for the police to arrive is not a very smart plan. The 'elite' know this, that is why they all have private armed protection and most of them carry a weapon as well. Or in the case of our Speaker of House, Mr. Ryan, who is opposed to building a southern border wall for the United States is building a wall around his property. He believes his three children deserves protection which is probably true but the 'little people' think they deserve some also and Mr. Ryan may have stepped it in for his re-election bid.
16 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Not doing much today. The most important thing that I did was order some more Arbuckles coffee. Have been on Folgers Black Silk for a week now and it is just not the same.
This is my rendition of the pattern from the Cordoba Synagogue. This pattern is around the apse containing the hekhal (Torah ark) on the eastern wall at Cordoba as well as the wall at the south entrance. The 'line' drawing shows that pattern as it appears on the walls but the colored version is more eye catching. You may notice that there are a few shapes that have not been completely enclosed by a line (there are over 100 of them). If I were doing this primarily as a line drawing I would go back and fix those gaps. However, they are not needed when the shape is filled with color.
Neither of my drawings are exactly like what is shown in the Lesson but are close and were certainly inspired by the Lesson. Without it I could not have come close to duplicating the pattern. I will now take a break and do some more drawing of 2-uniform tiling.
I am also making good progress on the latest novel that I have on Paperwhite; however, it is due to be returned next week. I had it with me yesterday and was reading while at AutoMaster but got a low battery warning or I would have been further along than I am. That is a drawback to the electronic books versus paper that never needs re-charging.
Why have I not seen any anti-truck protests after the mass "trucking" that occurred in Nice, France? These statements would have been the first things our President would have said if the killings had been done with a firearm. Although he would have substituted 'gun' for 'truck'.
No one needs a commercial truck this large.
These “assault trucks” are designed for killing large numbers of people quickly, and that is their only use.
No where in the Constitution does it mention the freedom to own these killing devices called trucks.
We already have licensing, registration, titles, inspection, and multiple taxes on large commercial vehicles, and STILL they are used for mass killing. Enough is enough. We must ban them entirely.
If it will save the life of even a single child, we must rid our society of trucks.
The Three "Maidens of War" Are Angling for a Kill by Wayne Madsen is a recommended read although I do not quote a teaser.
17 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

The excitement today was doing laundry. Got in there early again and had the two washers and two dryers all to myself although I only used one of each. This may be my last time using this laundry unless I should return here sometime. I have been lucky that I have not had competition for the very limited machines.
The way this month started with rain I thought that the monsoon was upon us. Since then - nothing. It has not even looked like it might rain again since then. The afternoon high temperatures have also been slowly moving back up and have been in the upper 80s the past 4-5 days. The 10 day forecast is for more of the same with some chance of a thunderstorm starting on Tuesday but not much of a chance.
This is the second drawing of a 2-uniform tiling that includes a dodecagon 36; 32.4.12. I finished it before starting on the Cordoba Synagogue Lesson and am now working on the third one that has dodecagons. When I complete it I will be just over 1/3rd of the way through all the 2-uniform patterns.
Then it will be back to the Geometric Design Lessons with "The Heavenly City Diagram" being next. It looks like it will be easier to draw than the Cordoba pattern but I will not know for sure until I get started.
18 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Mostly cloudy this morning which made the low higher than usual but maybe we will get the "Much Cooler" high that is forecast. The low was 58° which is the highest it has been since I arrived. Yesterday the high was 87° with an expected high today of 84 which I do not consider Much Cooler - 74 yes, 84 not so much.
I have made a start on the Heavenly City Diagram but it is going to take more time than I originally thought. There are a number of variations of it so I'll be drawing more than one from this Lesson.
This is a good story that blends the lives of the characters in the Century trilogy with the history of World War II. I like the Weekly reviews for the most part but they do get things turned around somewhat. Chuck and Woody Dewar did meet in Hawaii just in time for the Pearl Harbor and Woody's long time love Joanne (not Daisy) was killed. Chuck and his love Eddie were the ones involved in the 'good fight in the South Seas' much later as the Marines were taking islands in their move toward Japan. I like the series and will get the next one when and if I can.
This second installment of Follett’s epic Century trilogy is just as potent, engrossing, and prolix as the opening opus, Fall of Giants. Continuing the histrionics of the five families introduced in Fall, this masterfully conceived novel picks up in 1933 as Carla von Ulrich, 11, feels the horror of Nazi encroachment in Germany and proves a staunch resister, while her older brother, Erik, becomes an infatuated soldier. Elsewhere, English student Lloyd Williams aggressively resists the Fascists in the Spanish Civil War. Later, wealthy American brothers Chuck (a closeted homosexual) and Woody Dewar head to the South Seas to fight the good fight as socialite Daisy Peshkov, Woody’s first love, is swept up with Lloyd and the drama of war. Rife with plot lines, interpersonal intrigue, sweeping historical flourishes, and an authentic and compelling cast, this is a tale of dynamic characters struggling to survive during one of the world’s darkest periods. While some may find Follett’s verbosity daunting, others will applaud his dedication and ability to keep so many plots spinning while delivering a story that educates, entertains, and will leave fans eagerly awaiting the trilogy’s crowning capstone. - Publishers Weekly
James Howard Kunstler is 'left' of center but has posted a bog article, A Dark Prospect, that could have been written by Fred Reed his 'right' of center counterweight. I have quoted his closing paragraph but do read what he had to say leading up to this closing.
Both black and white America (especially “liberal” HRC America) might better ask themselves: why have we promoted the idea that blacks needn’t bother trying to assimilate into the nation’s common culture (such of it that actually remains)? This is what the idiotic “diversity” cult does, accompanied by the even more idiotic idea that “inclusion” is required for those who choose not to be included in that common culture. The damage from fifty years of these shibboleths ought to be obvious now. But emotions are carrying us past the moment of self-examination on any side. Perhaps that “conversation about race” can only take place after a greater convulsion, when people finally get sick of what their dishonesty has wreaked.
19 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

The walk yesterday afternoon was done under partly cloudy conditions. Walking along in full sun with those scattered clouds all around and one of them sprinkling on me. Not much but enough to know that it was trying to rain on me again.
The rains came soon after I went to bed. A nice female rain that put paid to it with a close by lightning strike and a booming thunder that woke me up and shook Desperado. Not a lot of rain, 0.08" was the official measurement, but it did raise the humidity a lot this morning to 93%. The forecast high this afternoon is 82° with 28% humidity so that should not be too uncomfortable, it was much too high this morning.
This is the base grid for the Heavenly City Diagram as shown in the Lesson. Well almost, in the Lesson all the lines are black on a white background. I have added color in the background to provide contrast for the line colors. The line colors have been added to help me find the coding that drew that line.
I must now go back and 'ink in' selected parts of the lines, using more code, to enclose shapes that will be filled with color. This is difficult but can not be any more difficult than doing it on a piece of paper, especially if the piece of paper is small.
20 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

More rain , if you consider the 0.08" we got last night for about 30 minutes more. It sounded like more. This morning it is very overcast and I got a few sprinkles while on my walk.
The weather guessers give it a 20% chance today and some chance every day for the next week. Lower high temperatures but higher humidity. Yesterday afternoon when I was out there it was 36% versus the 28% that was predicted. I don't have much faith in their 30% forecast for today although the high temperature may be less. They are once again claiming it will be "Much Cooler" at 80 versus 83 - I don't think so.
A few days ago I downloaded Treatise on the Will and Its Effects by Antoine Louis Claude Destutt comte de Tracy, as translated by Thomas Jefferson and retitled A Treatise on Political Economy. This obscured the aspects of Tracy's concern not with politics, but with far more basic questions of will, and the possibility of understanding the conditions of its determinations.
It also obscured what I was looking for in the book and that was a discussion of political economy now known as economics. The only part of the book that I could really understand was the Introduction by Jefferson, what de Tracy had to say was way above my pay grade. I rarely give up on a book but did so on this one.
I went back and got another one by H. G. Wells. This one is also heavy on metaphysics and philosophy but so far I can understand what Wells is saying versus what de Tracy may have been trying to tell me.
I finished the first of four Heavenly City Diagrams, also known as “The New Jerusalem Diagram”, that are shown in the Lesson. I like this one a lot and it was easier to draw than I thought it would be.
I have the second one drawn also but am hung up on getting the third one drawn as it is shown in the Lesson. The drawing is easily done it is the coloring that I am have a difficult time doing. It may defeat me as the Armenian Knot did but I am not ready to throw in the towel quite yet.
21 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

I wasted 3 hours at AutoMasters this morning. As far as I can tell they have done nothing so far except run up a lot of mechanics time. The generator is now out of Desperado sitting on their garage floor. The carburetor has been cleaned, it tried to start and run just like it did before I took it in a week ago. They now have diagnosed that either the start switch is bad (I doubt that) or the control board is bad; the solenoid and fuel pump are good. The engine is not getting any electricity. They found a rodent nest behind the generator but no chewed wires. I go back again next Wednesday
A quick shopping trip at City Market and then back to the Park. I have very close neighbors and need help getting back into my space and told the owner that I would be back at 10:00. I arrived at 11:45 but she was there to get one neighbor to move his truck and direct me back in. I had asked the one on the other side of me to move forward a little yesterday so I could get out this morning.
This is the second of the four Heavenly City Diagrams that are shown in the Lesson. I like this one as well as the first one and had very little trouble drawing it.
I managed to get the third one drawn yesterday. The coloring effect was what I was having trouble doing but I think it looks good.
22 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: July22, 1928I did get an email from the Tucson brokerage office yesterday. A little over a week since I had the nice Chat with one of the HQ Chat representatives. All the information that I provided last week which I assumed would be used to open an account was for naught.
The email that received from Tucson was a 'boiler plate' message that told me how to start the transfer process from my old broker to the new. The first thing that it told me to do was open my account which asked for the account # and Password. I had no such numbers or words so it was back to Chat again. Another nice conversation which left me with the task of filling out the New Account Form on-line which required the same information that I provided in the Chat of last week. That is now done and a Request For Transfer from the old broker has been filled out to 'fund' the new account.
I also have a digital form that I can see on Adobe Reader that I need to get printed, signed and return to the new broker. That will take some doing but along with it I need to submit copies of drivers license, SS Card, evidence of address (fortunately evidence of car insurance with my address on it is claimed to be acceptable - we will see). Getting all these copies will also be a bit of a problem but I can then use the USPS to send everything to them. Scanned and sent via an email attachment is not something they can not handle.
This is going to be a loooong drawn out process but it is loaded with regulations from a half dozen federal regulators. Meanwhile my account continues to grow in value. It took a hit from its recent high but is coming back and I expect to see more improvement as the 'real' economy is revealed. That will happen suddenly IF The Donald is elected and will happen as slowly as the media can spin it IF The Hill becomes our USA Empress.
This is the third of the four Heavenly City Diagrams that are shown in the Lesson. the coloring that I was having the trouble doing was the two colored moons and creating the illusion of transparency. I think I got it and this drawing looks very much like what is in the Lesson.
I finished drawing Version #4 yesterday with the Lesson labeled "Full Detail". I modified my drawing a little from what is shown in the Lesson but it still has full detail.
23 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Nothing happening here. I was able to send a copy of my old brokerage Statement to a Support email address after receiving another 'boiler plate' email from the Tucson office. That email simply said that they needed more information which I knew they were going to ask for.
I have gathered up what I think they will want and have found that the library here will make copies and Fax them for me on Monday. Then after they are received I am willing to bet that there is an objection to the address that I have given them.
This is not my first rodeo. That issue has been rode and I have been 'throwed' but I have the law, chapter and verse, that supports the UPS Store address as my 'residence' for bank/brokerage identification purposes. That does not mean that they must accept it and open an account however.
This is my drawing of Version #4 which is labeled "Full Detail" in the Lesson . I modified the center treatment in my drawing versus what is shown in the Lesson but it still has full detail and still uses the lesson's geometry. I brightened up the coloring a bit also - I like it a lot!
Tomorrow or the next day I will have a couple 2-uniform tiling drawings to show. The last one using dodecagons and the first of seven that use hexacons as the primary shape.
24 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Good News this morning. The neighbor on my right side left a few minutes after I got back from my walk and got my breakfast started. He is the one that I had to ask to pull forward enough to get out last Thursday.
The left side neighbor is parked close but I was able to get backed in a couple weeks ago without asking him to move. When I came back on Thursday the owner asked him to move while I was getting back in my space. The is no sign that he will be leaving anytime soon, probably still be here when I leave.
I am not sure which publication Gutenberg Project provided there was no publication date shown anywhere. It is an interesting book in that it provides a very good description of what kind of Socialist world Wells was in favor of. Much of what he says are mainstream left-wing beliefs today and he would be applauding all the progress that has been made. He was very realistic in his timeline for how long it would take to reach the World State and recognized that what is, is and the changes will be gradual. There is no doubt that Obama would be a Wells hero.
First and Last Things is a 1908 work of philosophy by H. G. Wells setting forth his beliefs in four "books" entitled "Metaphysics," "Of Belief," "Of General Conduct," and "Some Personal Things." Parts of the book were published in the Independent Magazine in July and August 1908. Wells revised the book extensively in 1917, in response to his religious conversion, but later published a further revision in 1929 that restored much of the book to its earlier form. Its main intellectual influences are Darwinism and certain German thinkers Wells had read, such as August Weismann. The pragmatism of William James, who had become a friend of Wells, was also an influence. - From Wikipedia
Gun Restrictions Punish the Rational and Responsible for Acts of the Irrational and Irresponsible by Ari Armstrong is a very good article about gun restrictions. He presents the basic theme of the article in the first paragraph but does not disclose what the governments motivation is until deep in the article. I have quoted both.
The basic argument for restricting the manufacture, purchase, and possession of firearms runs as follows: Because some gun owners use their guns to commit crimes or suicide, or they use their guns irresponsibly, the rights of all gun manufacturers, sellers, and owners must be restricted. Thus, the case for restricting guns rests on collective guilt....Koch Brothers Now Supporting "Often Confused" Hillary Clinton by Eric Zuesse is a decent article about those evil Republican Koch Brothers. But, the media will redeem them now that they have signed on to support The Hill. I liked his closing paragraph enough to quote it here.
Ironically, those who advocate outlawing guns claim to be concerned with public safety, but they ignore the single greatest threat to the citizenry: a rights-violating government. A government that can ban (or substantially restrict) guns is a government that, by the same logic, can censor “dangerous” speech, curtail life-promoting energy production, allow warrantless searches, and so forth.
The question regarding Trump as President would be: would he sell the government (perhaps at low prices to his friends and at high prices to his enemies) for various prices (as Clinton already has done — sold it to both her friends and her ‘enemies’ — but which sales she now only needs to deliver on); or would he, instead, refuse to sell it, and actually try to run the U.S. government for and on behalf of the American public? He has no actual record in public office; so, there’s no way of answering that question, unless and until he becomes President. But if Hillary Clinton becomes President, then the outcome would be much more certain, because she already has a lengthy record in ‘public’ service. It’s one that the Kochs probably appreciate very much. (And especially Hillary’s record as the U.S. Secretary of State is informative about the type of President she would make. Her real priorities are clear by her actions, though not at all by her words. By contrast, Trump’s priorities are, and might long remain, a mystery.)
25 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

The start of another uneventful week if I'm lucky. I'll be sending off more information to my potential new broker this afternoon. That may keep them entertained for the rest of this week and then I can send them more next week or argue about my 'residence' which will probably be an issue. Wednesday I go to AutoMaster again and see if they have made any progress on my RV generator. I suspect they have not but will find out.
This is the last drawing of a 2-uniform tiling that includes a dodecagon. I have now finished a couple of those that use hexagons as the primary shape but there are 7 of them so I have much more to do.
DNC erects four-mile eight-foot tall fence around Philly convention site by Kyle Olson is another story that the Ministry of Propaganda is not going to cover. They are going to have some trouble hiding the fence however and The Donald will be bringing it to everyone's attention I'm sure.
To the Democratic National Committee elites, keeping average Americans away from their convention is a good idea, while protecting the southern border from intruding terrorists, rapists and murderers is a bad one.The Real Implications of Deborah Wasserman Schultz’s Resignation by Roger L Simon is a good article about the DNC email hacks and Wasserman-Schultz's resignation. I particularly like his take on her being quickly hired by The Hill although it appears she has been on The Hill's payroll for a long time.
The fence, which appears to be about 8 feet tall, is intended to keep out any individuals with whom Democratic Party leaders, delegates and other liberal elites would rather not mingle.
People say they're confused by the latest revelation that after having "resigned" from the DNC, Wasserman Schutlz has just been hired by Hillary's campaign. I'm not. Wasserman Schultz knows a great deal. Clinton would never want her angry and running off the reservation talking to people. As the man said, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."
26 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

I went to the library yesterday afternoon and the girl working the counter did her best for me but the FAX would not go through. I have heard nothing from her this morning so by the time I go out to do my afternoon walk I will take all the copies that I have to the Post Office and mail them to the possible new brokerage. They don't want to use email and their FAX does not work - I think the only thing that they know and have working are telephones.
I woke up around 4:00 to the sound of rain on the roof. It was not very hard and I drifted in and out of sleep until when I got up it was a very slight sprinkle. I did my walk and got only a little damp, probably as much from the humidity as the continuing sprinkle.
The weather guessers do have a sense of hummer. They claim today will be MUCH COOLER with a forecast of 84° when it was 85° yesterday. Then it is expected to get up into the lower 90s for a few days starting tomorrow. Not so good. That prompted me to look at the forecast at my next camp. A few degrees cooler but with monsoon rains predicted for every afternoon.
This is the first drawing of seven in the 2-uniform tiling series that includes hexagons.
I have one more of these finished but have now become involved in drawing a Flowery Tiling Pattern that is described as being an Islamic tiling pattern that is atypical in its use of curves. I am deviating from the Lesson somewhat although I am getting a lot of the geometric relationships from it.
Will Putin Get a Pulitzer? by Patrick J. Buchanan is not one of his best articles but I love his opening paragraph.
Waving off the clerics who had come to administer last rites, Voltaire said: “All my life I have ever made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous.’ And God granted it.” The tale of the thieved emails at the Democratic National Committee is just too good to be true.
27 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

I got an email from the Tucson brokerage office yesterday afternoon. It was sent through Proofpoint Encryption which Tucson probably has direct access to. If I want to originate an email to the Branch I can also use Proofpoint, now that I am registered, but the email is sent to Support and they then forward it. It is a good thing that I plan to rarely originate an email to Tucson. I did mail the additional information to Tucson yesterday afternoon.
Another breakfast at That Place In Dolores where I had their Corned Beef Hash and Eggs again. Then it was on to AutoMaster to talk about the options to get my generator fixed. I received an email from them yesterday that said they could not fix it and wanted to talk about options.
It now stands that they will take it to Durango or Farmington and hopefully have a Onan tech fix it. They are almost certain that it is the control board but Onan is very tight lipped with their diagnostics so to Onan it must go.
Another disappointment at City Market this morning - NO Greek God Honey Vanilla. Their delivery had not come in yet. I spoke to the woman that does the ordering and said 'look, you are sold out of ALL Greek God. You need to be ordering more'. She said that she did but the company always cut back her order, they are rationing to the stores which all want more. Stock Tip: Greek Gods Yogurt is only one of many brands owned by Hain Celestial Group.
This is the second drawing of seven in the 2-uniform tiling series that includes hexagons.
Working hard on the Flowery Tiling Pattern from the Geometric Design lessons. I have done two line drawings so far and the second one has enough promise that I'm trying to color it. This may take a few days but it is coming along. It is a good challenge and keeps my mind off of generator problems - Somewhat!
28 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Not much happening today. I will just try to stay cool which should be no problem since the forecast is for MUCH COOLER than yesterday. However, I say Huh? Yesterday the high was 89° and the forecast high for today is 89° how do the get that is much cooler? They have reduced the high forecasts below the 90s originally predicted for these next few days. They also now are forecasting daily thunderstorms starting next week accompanied by cooler temperatures.
I have almost finished the Flowery Tile Pattern drawing from the lesson by that same name and will show it tomorrow. I will take a break from the lessons, there is only one more, and get the Will Rogers weekly articles prepared for the next month. Also do some more drawings of the 2-uniform tilings.
I also need to spend more time with my Paperwhite and the e-book that I checked out from the Sierra Vista library. There is a time limit involved with their books versus Gutenberg Project that has none.
Received an email from my potential new brokerage yesterday questioning my residence. It was not from the Tucson office, which I doubt has received all the additional information that I mailed, so I just threw it away and will wait for the Tucson office to question me.
29 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

Read Will Rogers column 88 years ago: July29, 1928Well the 'residence' dance has now begun in earnest. My contact at the Tucson office sent me an email that said the address I had provided was a UPS Store (they are really good at detecting such things) and he needed a physical 'residence' address. He also said that usually that would be the address on my drivers license.
In my first salvo of replies I said that he must not have received the additional information that I had mailed to him via USPS after not being able to get his FAX to accept it. In that mailing is a copy of my drivers license that has on it the only address that I have - the UPS Store. I also pointed out that there was a copy of my Vehicle Insurance Identification Card which has that same address. The reason for sending it was that vehicle is my 'residence' and has been so since May 2010.
Last but not least I said:
§ 1023.220 Customer identification programs for broker-dealers.
(2) Identity verification procedures. The CIP must include risk-based
procedures for verifying the identity of each customer to the extent
reasonable and practicable.
(A) Customer information required.
(3) Address, which shall be:
(i) For an individual, a residential or business street address;
(ii) for an individual who does not have a residential or business street
address, an Army Post Office (APO) or Fleet Post Office (FPO) box number,
or the residential or business street address of a next of kin or
another contact individual;
His reply; he will review the additional information when it comes in.
I made good progress on preparing the Will Rogers weekly articles yesterday and may finish that project today. I will not finish it today but I also made good progress on reading the e-book that I have checked out from the Sierra Vista library. I also got started drawing another 2-uniform tile design but just a start not any serious progress - maybe later today.
This is the Flowery Tile Pattern that I drew following the Geometric Design lesson somewhat. I followed the flowery design in spirit if not exact and did use a tile concept to do my drawing versus the grid that the lesson uses.
I have also added a couple more Javascript coding features to this drawing that I have used only once or twice before. I was able to change the flower colors while also using a function() which was a first for me. The background color gradient was also something I had not used before although I have used the gradient code.
No sir, it’s a tough race. The Democrats not only have a good Candidate, but they got Money, which is better to have than a good Candidate. When there is money in an election it’s always doubtful. - Will Rogers (1928 election)
30 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

I finished the Will Rogers weekly article preparation yesterday. I also made some good progress with drawing the 2-unform tiling but have found it to be a lot harder to do than I thought. I'll work on it some more today and get it drawn eventually.
I had a right side neighbors move in yesterday afternoon that I thought were going to stay over night. It now looks like they may be here for the weekend or perhaps more. No problem when they are at 'home' but they have a yappy dog when they are away. He didn't bark continuously but enough to be aggravating.
Nothing else going on with me today other than more time on the couch with my latest book from the Sierra Vista library.
Need I Say More? is a blog posting that presents some information that may be common knowledge but I did not know it and the Lame Stream Media has not written about it.
When Hillary ran her presidential campaign back in 2008, her campaign co-chair was Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Let's say hypothetically that after losing to Obama, Hillary Clinton wanted to be assured of the nomination in 2016. What better way to lock it down than having your campaign co-chair lead the party?
For this scenario to be possible, Hillary would have to not only compel the current chair to step down, but also for him to recommend Debbie Wasserman Schultz to lead the Democratic Party as its chair.
One would assume that Hillary would need to promise the current chair something in return.
The chairman who had stepped down in 2011 and recommended Debbie Wasserman Schultz to succeed him was...Tim Kaine, Hillary's VP pick in 2016.
31 July
Cozy Comfort RV Park
Dolores, CO

I woke up around 2:00 with the sound of a female rain on the roof. Then heard it again every time I woke up after that but it quit by the time I got up. Almost quit. When I went out to start my walk there was a random sprinkle on me and the longer I walked the more frequent they became. Cut the walk short and got slightly wet before gaining shelter in Desperado.
The weather guessers are predicting 7 days of this kind of weather with cooler temperatures, highs in the lower 80s and maybe high 70s. A lot more humidity will go along with that however so we will see how comfortable it might be. The forecast given for my next camp is almost identical for the same 10 days.
I almost finished the 2-uniform tile drawing yesterday and will show it tomorrow. I also got a lot of reading done in my latest book and made a good start on Monthly blogs. I think I might become current again with all of them today or tomorrow.
Got all of next month's web pages set up in my site so everything is moving along well except the RV generator and the new broker. Even what I suspect is a broken tooth has not yet caused me undue problems.